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Subject: Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?

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Date Posted: 07/19/04 11:50am PDT
In reply to: flip 's message, "Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?" on 06/14/04 5:29am PDT

In response to "flipper":

Of course I know what I'm talking about. Are you ashamed that your ancestors are aboriginal? Have you looked at the negritos (or native Filipinos before having integrated with "Mongoloid" blood)? They don't look Asian. When the Spaniards came to the Philippines they thought they were in India. I'm sure they would have noticed if we looked "Asian", hence, they called us "indios" and not "chinos".

If you think we have mongoloid blood then why then is our language not even related to "asian" languages? I have a degree in linguistics and our language is rooted in Austronesian and it is classified as such. Our language roots spreads out to New Guinea and to Madagascar, Africa. We are closely related to Hawaiians and they do not look "asian". And if you look at a filipino they do NOT look East Asian. I don't know which area of the Philippines you refer to but YES, in certain areas there are concentrations of filipinos who have Chinese or other Asian blood which may make them look "asian". Usually their lighter skin has to do with that.

With regard to Indian, the alibata alphabet is derived from Sanskrit. Before Christianity in the Philippines, we believed in Bhathala (a god derived from the Indian religion). And you must open up your mind to the fact that "Modern" Filipinos DO range in looks. Remember that the Filipinos are seafaring people and that the islands came from volcanoes, like Hawaii's presence and did not break off of China. The filipinos rode their boats to the Philippines. Some of us can look Mexican, Indian, Asian, or even mestizos. Haven't you ever learned not to judge people by their looks...food for thought.


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Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?Jeanne07/19/04 12:28pm PDT

    Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?Lucia Tan07/22/04 10:19pm PDT

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