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Subject: Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?

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Date Posted: 07/19/04 12:28pm PDT
In reply to: flip 's message, "Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?" on 06/14/04 5:29am PDT

I have read the website you asked me to check out. This is an excerpt on Malays:

"The Malays are the dominant race which live in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines which, together with Singapore, make up what is called the Malay archipelago. The Malays are traditionally classified as a member of the Mongoloid race, along with other Asiatic peoples, including Chinese, Mongols, Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Vietnamese and Burmese."

Notice it says "traditionally", indicating that with further research, this classification has changed. The following is also on your website:

"Descendants of the Malays could be found today in Sri Lanka, South Africa (the "Cape Malays") and Madagascar."

"The languages spoken by the Malays were classified in the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages which is now known as Austronesian family of languages which includes the language spoken by the Merinas in Madagascar [Africa], the Maori language in New Zealand and the Polynesian languages such as Samoan and Hawaiian.

In terms of religion, most of the Malays are Muslims; they form the dominant religious group in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Their conversion to Islam from Hinduism and Theravada Buddhism began in the 1400s...Most Malays in the Philippines have been Christians since the colonization by Spain."

These are further evidence of how we as filipinos of malay descendence are not from Mongoloid blood.

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Re: okay...so then what IS the stereotypical ASIAN thing?Lucia Tan07/22/04 10:19pm PDT

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