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Subject: Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)

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Date Posted: 01/21/05 11:41pm PST
In reply to: Basque 's message, "Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)" on 11/13/03 2:24pm PST

what do you mean flips are shity?..how did you ever come to that conclusion?...just curious....im filipino...just as much as you are whatever you are...we are neither spanish,basque nor european?catholic missionaries gave us our lastnames..we cannot trace our roots back to europe?...stay outa europe?...well actualy I can trace my bloodline to europe...several actualy...I even have grand parents and great grand parents that still live there...some in england..a few in ireland..and alot in spain...my european ancestors have been in the philippines since the spanish regime...intermarried with some natives then after that many of my ancestors only intermarried with other mestizos..or pure europeans in the philippines at the time since I was told it was expected..cuz the idea was to keep a good amount of european blood and not to thin it out because it would lower your social status at the time when philippines was under spain...so I do have spanish blood in me..although I realy dont know how much heh..i would guess over a quarter atleast...my mother who has light brown hair,caucasian skin,hazel eyes and well proportioned straight nose frequently passes off as a white or spanish woman here in america..and when people ask what she is, she just says filipina...then when they get the confused look she will explain her spanish side or most filipinos will immidiately assume she is spanish meztiza or half white etc....i on the other hand and my brother and sister all look different...im the fair skinned one with the proportioned regular straight nose squared face and thick bearded,taller than the average filipino since im 5'11, I spent 7 years of my chiledhood in the philippines cuz my mum wanted me to appreciate my culture..i tot i blended in well as a kid there..come graduation my classmates thought my dad would be a big white man heh..my older brother is the mestizo looking one with the olive skin tone,very high pointed nose bump on the bridge an all,and rounded big eyes heh...many think hes italian ..and my older sis is the filipina..asian skin tone,rounded button nose,5'4 height although did inherit my mothers hazel brown eyes....growing up we were always taught to be proud of who we are "FILIPINOS" which back then meant spaniards born in the philippines but now people of the philippine Islands...although we do have an admixture it does not make us any beter nor make us more privilaged than any other filipino full blooded or not...but it is part of our heritage and who we are,and we are just as proud...although my grandmother would differ a little since she was very pro spain heh...and always spoke spanish around my cuzns and I in the hopes we would preserve a part of our spanish heritage in my generation..sadly my spanish is terrible no where near my uncles or aunts whom are fluent...I may not speak for all filipinos..but I am one...and although all filipinos may not be admixed with european/spanish..i deffinately know my family isnt the only one...so, no the missionaries did not give me my family surnames..ie the LABRADORS,YBANEZ,ANTIGUAS,SALAZARS,FERNANDEZ,De LAGOS,LOZANO'S etc..and no,being filipino is not shity..just as being born spanish,japanese or even egyptian...

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