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Subject: Filipinos more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals?

What a load of s**t.
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Date Posted: 06/26/05 9:35pm PDT
In reply to: Gino Ruggiero Eje Navarete Acosta Lapuebla Canlas 's message, "No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité." on 05/10/05 8:39pm PDT

I'm sorry, but the guy that said "Genetically, we [Filipinos] are more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals--explaining why we have a Moro(Moors - Islamic peoples) population in Mindanao." is the most self hating Pinoy I have EVER seen!!!!

What a load of crap! I'm sorry, but what a load of CRAP!!! I don't even know were to begin with the inaccuracies of this pile of dog-pooh.

I guess the most important thing that has to be clarified is how the fact that we have Moros (Islamic Malays) in the Philippines says absolutely nothing about us supposedly being related to Indo-Arabs. Filipinos were Islamized, they didn't originate with the Arabs. We would look like Arabs if that were the case, but we don't we look like all other Malays on the Malay Archipelago (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, East Timor and the Philippines).

Firstly, let me point out the fact that ALL of Indonesia (whom are also Austronesian-speaking Malays like us) and all of Malaysia (also Austronesian-speaking Malays like us) are all MUSLIMS, so according to your "reasoning" this make them genetically related to Indo-Arabs? Of course not!

Islam was spread to Malays (from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines) by Islamic traders who ventured into the Malay Archipelago. To top it off, some of those Muslim Trades responsible for introducing Islam were Chinese Muslims (who themselves were converted to Islam by earlier Arab traders they encountered on the silk road).

I suppose you think, based on your ethno-religious categorization, that we Filipinos are also more closely related to Romans (Italians, French, Spaniards) because most of us are Catholics now? No! We became Catholics in the same way we initially became Muslims. We were forced to convert by the Spaniards to Catholicism from Islam. Before that we were forced to convert to Islam by the Muslim traders from our previous animistic religions (the same animistic religions practiced by the Indonesians and Malaysian Malays before they were converted to Islam).

You hate yourself SO MUCH, and you TRY SO HARD to distance yourself from our Asian origins, that you have gone as far as to invent a false history of migration of our people into the Philippines. You do this in the effort to makes us into something WE ARE, that we have NEVER BEEN!

It's just surprising to me that you would make up such BULLS**T to try to prove your delusional hypothesis of Filipinos originating anywhere other than Asia. This is one of the biggest reasons why so many Filipinos have IMSCF, we were taught to invent any foreign ancestry to be "proud" of because our true Asian Malay heritage wasn't anything to be proud of. I feel sorry for you.

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Re: Filipinos more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals?Frank09/ 8/06 2:15am PDT

Re: Filipinos more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals?filipino (sad)10/19/07 6:31pm PDT

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