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Subject: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.

Gino Ruggiero Eje Navarete Acosta Lapuebla Canlas
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Date Posted: 05/10/05 8:39pm PDT
In reply to: ProudPinoy 's message, "Filipinos are not Asian? Our Filipino languages prove it? We're the only Catholics in Asia?" on 10/ 7/04 4:54am PDT

I know that the message this is in reply to is over a year old but I would like to comment on its utter ignorance. Genetically, Filipinos are not Asian. According to bio-historians and geneticists, the earliest ancestors of Filipinos migrated from Saharan Africa to Arabia, then to southern India, then Indonesia, and then they finally reached the Philippine archipelago through the prehistoric land-bridge connecting Palawan, Mindanao, and Borneo.
Filipinos have a valid claim to the possession of European features due to the fact that our women were incessantly raped by the Spanish clergy. East Timor was a whole different case, because their colonial relationship to their imperial ruler, Portugal, was different; East Timor initially had a trading relationship with Portugal unlike the Philippines. I gather that you're familiar with what happened upon Ferdinand Magellan's discovery of the Philippine Islands? Although most of us no longer speak Spanish, colloquial Filipino is full of words of Spanish origin. (eg. banyo, sapatos, puta:D, etc.)
I think you are confused with the colloquial use of the word "Asian." Asian refers to nationalities which originated from central and far-eastern asia. Unlike the Vietnamese, the Malaysians, the Vietnamese, and the Singaporeans, the Filipino tribes mostly came from a great southern coastal migration during the Ice Age. Genetically, we are more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals--explaining why we have a Moro(Moors - Islamic peoples) population in Mindanao.

I have to commend your patriotism and pride towards our country, but you are greatly misguided. You have to come to terms with the fact that Filipinos, since the beginning of history, have mixed their blood with every foreign boat that floated near the archipelago. What you call "colonial mentality" can also be called Xenomania and Philoxenia, which is a love of strangers and foreigners -- in other words, hospitality, which is a truly Pinoy virtue. I do agree with some of your points. I do believe that it´s stupid that most young Filipinos are unaware of their ancestral heritage; most Filipinos are ingorant of our pre-history. Thank you for being a proud pinoy, but sometimes pride makes us blind to the truth.

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Subject Author Date
Filipinos more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals?What a load of s**t.06/26/05 9:35pm PDT

Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.What a load of s**t.06/26/05 9:55pm PDT

Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.Andy McVaye09/14/05 2:47pm PDT

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