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Date Posted: 22:47:06 06/11/06 Sun
Author: Courtney
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 10:42:44 06/11/06 Sun

(She hated that his innocent impression of love had been shattered and that he had been made pessimistic in the matters of the heart.. hopefully he would learn to trust his heart again. He was such a caring man, so quick to help others around him and give all of himself that she desperately wanted to save him from the pain he was experiencing inside. Her brow was furrowed as she took in his answer and mulled it over for a little bit, looking down at her hands. Haylie had taken Kyrian back because she had loved him.. not because she couldn't live without him, but because she had realized she didn't want to try.. and that made her respect Haylie more because she had chosen love in the face of adversity.) Her other option was to give up, Justin. She knew that she loved him and that giving up on him wouldn't benefit either of them. (She shook her head a little, her tone wasn't trying to talk him into agreeing with her, merely putting her own opinion across and sticking to her guns. She thought about Shay and Remy and the way that Remy had been behaving when she had met him.. she could tell that a man like him would love with everything he had.)

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