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Date Posted: 07:43:34 06/13/06 Tue
Author: Reese
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
In my hear there'll always be a place for you for all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am there you'll be..

(The officer groaned as he got out of the car, his fucking shin was killing him. The little brat had kicked him a little less than an hour ago and he was sure he was going to have a huge knot there. His green eyes scanned the area as he crossed to the other side of the car and opened the door, ready for the little hellcat to spit and hiss at him.. but surprisingly enough, she merely stepped out of the car demurely and stood there looking up at the huge modern brick and glass building. For a moment, Patrick O'Malley actually felt bad for having handcuffed her hands behind her back, but he had a large welt on his cheek to remind him why he couldn't fall for her cute little girl routine. She wasn't as young as she looked, and she wasn't as sweet either.. she might be nearing eighteen but she didnt look a day over sixteen if that, and she had claws on her that would send a lynx running for cover. She turned her glassy blue-grey eyes on him and he shook his head, he wasn't falling for her precious moment's looks anymore.) Let's get ye goin' lassie. (He said in a watered down irish lilt, picking up her bag and slinging it over his shoulder before taking her arm in his hand and leading her up to the building. Once inside, he questioned the guard, who told him that he could find Braden Nichols on the fourth floor, right wing.. and he led the now quiet teen to the elevators.) (A strand of her brassy auburn hair had gotten into her mouth and was stuck to the lipgloss on her full lower lip and it was annoying the hell out of her almost as much as the "pretend-a-cop" they had sent to haul her off to what amounted to juvie hall. She couldn't believe they were throwing her ass into a home.. even if this guy was a friend of her.. Kee.. God, she missed him.. it burned inside her like a hot knife and made her ache so desperately that she wanted to scream at someone to bring him back. Her brother couldn't be gone! He was her hero, her protector.. her life. He'd been laughing and joking with her before he left for duty and she'd been so sad to see him go, but he had promised to come home.. and now he had come home, in a box. She huffed, trying to blow the stand of hair out of her mouth again without success and nearly tripping as she got off the elevator on the fourth floor since she wasn't paying attention. Her wrists hurt, this jackass was lucky she wasn't tall enough to kick him in the crotch while her hands were behind her back or he would have a seriously hard time reproducing for what he had done to her. So what if she had attacked him.. she had had no idea who was breaking into the apartment she lived in with her brother.. and when he had found her hiding in the closet she had fiercely fought back, scared out of her mind. And now, she was looking pretty stupid in handcuffs and being marched down the hall like a damn four year old caught stealing cookies. She glared a guy who stared at her, probably because her well developed breasts were all but spilling out of her top from the way her hands were held back, but she didnt realize that and stuck her tongue out at him insolently. When the officer knocked on the door of a room that had 'Nichols' and 'Sutherland' on the door tags, she sighed in frustration and wished she could just get the hell out of her.. she wished Keegan would come for her.)

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