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Date Posted: 10:56:06 06/15/06 Thu
Author: Reese/Courtney
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden/Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 10:27:10 06/15/06 Thu

(She tilted her head a little as she regarded him, the big strong cowboy with the haunted look in his eyes. Her blue-gray eyes followed him as he moved to sit in the chair opposite her, taking off his hat to reveal the bandana underneath and lifting his gaze to meet hers finally. Her tongue came out to run over her lips as she scanned his face, the man was hot.. why couldn't she stop thinking about this? Damnit, it sucked being a teenage girl. Her gaze turned shifty for a moment before he addressed her in a more genuine and polite tone, and then she looked at him square again.) Yeah.. I am kinda hungry. (She was starving, actually. Her stomach growled at the mere thought of eating and she had a feeling she would pig out on whatever was put in front of her tonight. The one thing she craved was home.. she hadn't had a true home in years.. not since her parents had died at least. Keegan had always been away with the military and she had raised herself and gone to school on her own, with just the help of the old lady who lived in the apartment next door.. and now, well she was an orphan and a ward of the state should this not work out. She just wanted something permanent.. stable.. someone to love her.) (She moved to join him on the sofa, curling her feet up and leaning against his side a little bit, laughing under her breath when Bambi scrambled up and sprawled out over her legs and part of her lap.. the dog just didn't realize that she was HUGE. She looked over at Skeeter with a smile on her face, as though to see if he had seen what Bambi had done and to guage his reaction.. to share in the moment with him.. but he was engaged in thinking about something and she tilted her head, pressing an impulsive kiss to his jaw.. her way of telling him to lighten up.. life wasn't so bad - he could be dead, afterall.)

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