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Date Posted: 07:06:34 10/02/06 Mon
Author: Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 06:54:46 10/02/06 Mon

(For a moment his brow furrowed, as he sensed that BRaden was still working at keeping something from him. It struck him just how intelligent and well guarded this man was.. since it took a lot for him to notice that Braden wasn't giving everything about the mission. Part of him ached to push further out of sure curiosity, but his instinct to guard those he cared about had him sitting back in his chair and running his hand back through his hair.) I wouldn't consider it a waste, Braden.. (He said, shifting his hand to stave off any sort of argument Braden might have on the subject, though part of him knew that Braden wasn't into arguing on this topic. The way that his top agent was gazing back at him gave him the impression that Braden was itching to get out of the office, and Remy respected that. He smiled a little as Braden said that he had nothing to worry about, and deep down he knew that.. he just hoped his hunch was correct this time.) Yeah, well, that's why I spent a lot of my resources securing Skeeter in intelligence for us.. that window for unforeseen complications closes a bit with him around. You do a damn good job, Braden, I have no complaints.. and you know that I don't play it easy on my agents. (He had put Kyrian in basic training only a month after he had nearly died.) You're still clear for this mission, and I know you'll do a damn good job there, too.. Now get out of here, there's a lot to be done before your departure. (He said, his expression softer, even though his eyes were still alight with thoughts, always reading the person he was sitting with, although part of him was thinking about Shay now.)

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