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Date Posted: 07:50:21 10/03/06 Tue
Author: Braden
Subject: inside
In reply to: Reese 's message, "Inside" on 07:24:47 10/03/06 Tue

He let out a deep breath at her reassurance and tugged her impossibly closer, keeping her safely enveloped in the strength of his arms as if he could keep her whole and unharmed forever if he could just hold her for that moment. "Good...yeah...they'll watch over you for me..." He murmured softly, as if reassuring himself of that fact even as he closed his eyes. "Gonna take a nap now...take a nap with me." He stated, shifting to pull his gun out of his waistband and set it on the nightstand next to the bed so he could reach it easily if he needed to. He just refused to take any chances with her life, her well being, he had lost Keegan and that killed him every day, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her. He would just kill whoever hurt her and then kill himself, it was all he would be able to do. He shifted back into the bed, pulling her back into the safe circle of his arms, pressing his lips to her head and holding her close. "Sleep with me, rest with me, just for a little while..." He stated softly, his eyes closing for a moment as he held her close.

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