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Date Posted: 07:47:02 10/17/06 Tue
Author: Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay 's message, "inside" on 07:35:48 10/17/06 Tue

(He took in a deep breath and tried not to say anything that might be misconstrued as snapping.. because, well, he wanted to snap at her. She was being entirely unreasonable and he had no fucking idea what to say to her. He was who he was, he had never claimed to be perfect and well, he busted his ass trying to make everyone happy and damnit, no one was happy! He looked downright crabby for a moment, a black cloud settling over his demeanor as he crossed his arms over his 'jackass' skull and crutches tee and glared at the altogether too cheery fishtank along the opposite wall. He couldn't believe he was hearing his wife, his level-headed and sweet Shay, compare him to Superman! When they had gone back to third grade he wasn't entirely sure of. With his shaggy hair partially covering his eyes and the wide leather bands he wore on his wrists, he looked like he belonged at a rave with blank mascara on, not sitting in the hospital waiting room glaring at a mixture of tropical fish and contemplating ways to make his wife disappear.. and magically turn back into nice shay. He let out a heated sigh as she finished letting into him again.) When you are ready to talk about this like an adult, I will be right here.

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