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Date Posted: 09:45:13 10/20/06 Fri
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 09:20:19 10/20/06 Fri

(She blushed a little, tipping her head to look at him through the couple tendrils of hair that had slipped over her eyes. The intrigue shone in her eyes as she straightened, smiling at the thought that there was more fun to be had.. really, being on a horse and getting awesome expensive clothes as overwhelming enough! She mirrored his action and nudged the mare forward, pulling her up as she watched with a half-cocked smile at the way the black horse was manuevering the gate.. and she had thought horses were sort of mindless, grass eating, beautiful beasts of burden. Well, she had been wrong about things before and she was wrong about this. Without realizing it, she had allowed Gypsy to react, and the mare saunted saucily through the open gate as though door service was precisely what she had demanded. She nearly laughed at the horse's seemingly haughty attitude.. but when you looked like that.. you could be just as snobby as you wanted, she supposed. She looked at him over her shoulder, her head turning to follow him as his horse caught up and fell into step beside hers, marveling at the way her horse picked up a slightly faster pace to match the slower pace of his longer legged horse. They were a team.. sort of. She nodded, smiling.) Yes.. thanks again for the clothes.. I love them.. (She looked down at the stitching on the hoodie, again being reminded of the significance of it and wondering to herself if that was what he meant by the gesture.. or if it was sort of sisterly kind of thing.. but then, her brother would never have touched her the way that Braden did sometimes.. Ugh! It was all so confusing to her. She looked over a few moments after his question, wracking her brain for what he had said and making a sort of distracted sound, laughing a little in her nervousness.) Oh.. it was.. school.. turn stuff in, get more stuff, walk around a bit and eat some terrible food. (She nodded, pursing her lips a little.) I got partnered with Cody Trudeau in physics today.. (She shook her head a little, looking at him with a sort of knowing amusement in her eyes.) He's so scared of you he's transferring his fear onto me.. Every time I moved, he flinched.. it was so funny.. and Randy Harper was giving him so much flack for it. It really was great.

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