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Date Posted: 10:00:37 10/20/06 Fri
Author: Braden
Subject: inside
In reply to: Reese 's message, "Inside" on 09:45:13 10/20/06 Fri

He couldn't help the low growl that slipped out his throat at the name of the kid who had been touching Reese. He thought about it sometimes, the way the kid had been on top of her, his hands so rough and unflattering over her body - it pissed him off everytime it crossed his mind. "Good. The kid should be pissin' his pants whenever he thinks about touching you." He stated with a huff before he looked over at her, managing to smirk sheepishly. "I didn't like him." Like that needed to stated. He turned Zephyr down a trail, knowing that Gypsy would follow. As much as the mare liked to act like she was tough and couragous but she was actually a big baby and would always follow Zephyr rather than go exploring on her own. He led the way to a large clearing where he had left the blanket, pillows and picnic basket. Easily, in one smooth, masculine move, he slipped off of Zephyr and took off the horses tack before moving to lift Reese of gypsy and free the mare of her gear also. "Hope your hungry..." He murmured as he gazed down at her, holding onto her hips for much, much longer than required. He just suddenly wanted to touch her, after thinking of Cody's hands on her he wanted his touch to be imprinted on her mind instead of some juveniles unskilled hands...

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