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Date Posted: 00:29:04 12/01/03 Mon
Author: Sanctuary
Subject: My Love
In reply to: Aurora Catcher 's message, "~*The light of dawn is ever in my eye*~" on 20:38:14 11/26/03 Wed

In the blackest of nights. You held me close.
In the darkest of times. You loved me most.
When I had fallen. You were there for me.
You'll always be there. This I can see.
What happened to you m'love. You left without saying good bye.
Yet I watched for you everyday. Hope never fading within my eye.
I waited for you m'loved. Every passing moment of time.
I prayed for you m'love. That you'd again be mine.
Deimos has grown sweet maiden. To a fine young lad.
It's times like this. I remember the memories we had.

Rock colored czar arose from his temp. state of sleeping. His bodice quivered suddenly, a joy of familiarity resonated deep within his ancient bones. The bodice of stone shaking to life again. What was this? Why was this statue stirring so? The horn spiralled to life again, the silvery tinge emblazoning with power. The stony hue that once covered his bodice cracked away revealing the ebonite pellage underneath. Blood seeped deep within that slow pulsating chest again. The eyes blinking slowly, opening from a lethargic feel.

Slow whicker bled forth from those forgotten chambers. Legs unfolded from his bodice as he came to a towering stance. The whicker sent forth once more. This time into a harkened cry.

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