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Date Posted: 17:15:06 06/25/06 Sun
Author: Cindy Sheehan
Subject: David Duke's Pornography
In reply to: Colonel Angus 's message, "Interview with a malignant narcissist." on 15:50:06 06/25/06 Sun

Monkey Business

A leading neo-Nazi rejects the 'wholesome' polkas
and waltzes of his bosses for entertainment of an entirely different kind

By Heidi Beirich and Bob Moser

Among the many sins neo-Nazis like to ascribe to their mortal
enemies, "the Jews," few inspire more righteous invective than
pornography and sexual depravity. David Duke, the former Klan leader currently
imprisoned for gambling away his followers' donations, has even blamed Jews for
inspiring "obscene poets."

"The Talmud's full of things like sex with boys and
girls," he claimed in a 1985 interview.

William Pierce, the National Alliance founder who died last
summer, could not get enough of the subject. "The Jews have always had a
proclivity for ... prostitution, the White slave trade, pornography, and the
like," Pierce asserted in a 2001 essay in the National Alliance magazine, Free

Displaying a certain savvy about the porn industry, Piece added,
"In the booming new business of Internet pornography, the biggest operator,
the so-called 'Bill Gates of e-porn,' is a nice, Jewish boy named Seth
Warshavsky, who owns clublove.com and many other of the largest pornography

The success of big-time porn operators like Warshavsky has
inspired more than pious denunciations from the nation's most virulent
anti-Semites. It has also apparently encouraged at least one of America's most
prominent neo-Nazis to set up as an aspiring porn magnate.

Since last November, 35-year-old Bruce Alan Breeding (see also
profile The
X-Rated Nazi
) — an important figure in the National Alliance and Duke's
longtime right-hand man — has been running a New Orleans-based porn site,
xsitenola.com, while producing a companion adult magazine, Xsite.

The smut Breeding peddles would make a Playboy reader
blush. Far from "soft," airbrushed porn, Breeding trades in
mother-daughter sex, bisexuality, anal sex, dungeon rentals and "slave
girls for voyeurs."

To say the least, Breeding's porn projects represent a dramatic
deviation from the professedly straight-arrow world of organized white
supremacy. National Alliance membership is supposedly reserved for "White
persons of good character," with bisexuality and homosexuality high on the
list of disqualifiers.

The Alliance claims that one of its goals is to offer "a
moral compass, so that people once again know instinctively what is wholesome
and natural and what is degenerate and alien." Members are advised to get
their kicks with "polkas or waltzes, reels or jigs," and never, but
never, to "undulate or jerk to negroid jazz or rock rhythms."

Breeding did not disavow this white-bread world when he set up
shop as an aspiring porn king — quite the contrary, in fact. Breeding still
belongs to the Alliance, the largest neo-Nazi group in America.

More significantly, he serves as national director of Duke's
white-rights outfit, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO).
Now, while Duke whiles away his 15-month prison sentence in Texas, Breeding
lives at least part-time in Duke's Mandeville, La., home, building his porn
empire while running EURO in order to rescue the white race from the depravity
of the Jews.

Breeding's efforts to hide his foray into the flesh trade from
his co-religionists seem poorly thought out at best. Xsite magazine's
masthead lists the co-editor and sales department staffer as "Vince
Evans" — not too far removed from one of Breeding's other pseudonyms,
"Vincent Edwards." The incorporation papers for Xsite Entertainment
L.L.C., filed last September, are less evasive. They list Breeding and a man
named Michael B. Vaughn as the company's officers.

Breeding certainly made no secret of his magazine's official
launch, a bash held last All Hallows Eve in the Twi Ro Pa Mills, an old New
Orleans warehouse that xsitenola.com calls a "Party Palace." After
getting down at the former mill, Breeding and some of the magazine's "Xsite
girls" carried their party to the Gold Club, an up-market strip joint.

Pictures of the festivities, splashed on xsitenola.com, show
Breeding sipping champagne in a limousine, arms flung around the busty models;
other photos from the evening feature the "Xsite girls" in

Becoming 'the Munkay'

This all might seem a tad bit trashy for a man who, like his close comrade David Duke, has always styled himself as a sophisticate, well-versed in fine wines, fine clothing and fine living. But Bruce Breeding has long had a reputation for living a rather sordid double life, something that Duke and William Pierce knew but apparently chose to ignore. 

Breeding's sketchy reputation was based partly on his job in the 1990s in a strip club in Tampa, Fla., where he also was an official of the National Alliance's local unit. Breeding enhanced his bad-boy rep by playing guitar on five CDs by a Satanic black-metal band called Acheron. 

And then there was his reputed appropriation, in 1999, of the mailing list of the National Alliance's Resistance Records white power music enterprise, which permanently distanced Breeding from Pierce (see Against the Wall). 

None of his personal peccadillos held Breeding back from advancing to the highest levels of the neo-Nazi movement — but in many ways, they pale in comparison with the sleazy porn persona Breeding has now adopted. 

On his Web site, Breeding portrays himself as a pimp-like character nicknamed "Vince the Munkay." The site describes how Breeding "became the Munkay" for the launch party at Twi Ro Pa Mills, donning a furry, floor-length coat and sporting cheesy sunglasses. "You WILL learn to respect the dark powers of the Munkay," reads a caption under one of the photos. Xsite vows this party will not be the last, promising that future events will descend into "good natured mayhem and debauchery!" 

A quick flip through Xsite magazine offers convincing evidence that Breeding is not exaggerating his gift for debauchery. Printed on grainy newsprint with a glossy cover, Xsite is a decidedly low-rent affair, filled mostly with half-nude advertisements for "escorts" ("Make All Your Fantasies Come True: Peek A Boobs Escorts"), porn shops ("Straight, Gay, & Every Color Under the Sun!") and dating services ("No Commitment ... just hot adult fun!"). 

The magazine trolls for future centerfolds with an ad asking "hot chicks who love to flaunt it" to submit photos to "our ever objective and eternally diligent panel of judges." 

Breeding's companion Web site is no slouch in the sleaze department, either. Xsitenola.com is packed with semi-nude photos of "Xsite girls," most looking as though they were taken in the models' own bedrooms, stuffed animals and all. The home page carries links and ads for adult bookstores, escort services and an online "nude girl casino." 

Another link sends visitors to precisely the kind of site that Duke, Pierce and other neo-Nazi honchos have always blamed on "the Jews": "Met-Art," which advertises "the largest, freshest, classiest collection of teen nude art." 

Hypocrisy Unlimited

Still one of America's most powerful neo-Nazi leaders, Vince Breeding operates in a world drastically removed from the imaginary land of Caucasian polkas and waltzes. In fact, Breeding's porn trades on all manner of images that are official anathema to the white-supremacist movement. 

While other neo-Nazi stalwarts have advocated a paleolithic view of women — "Men bring home the bacon, and they guard the den," William Pierce once said, while "women nourish the children and tend the hearth" — the women Breeding advertises hardly resemble happy Aryan homemakers. 

Certainly, Lauren and Kelsey, who advertise a mother-daughter sex act that xsitenola.com calls the "ultimate fantasy," appear unlikely to spend a great deal of time tending the hearth. 

Breeding might defend his porn biz as one way to make a dent in what Duke calls the "Zionist control of the American media." But it's highly doubtful that Duke, or other neo-Nazi leaders, would ever approve — at least publicly — Breeding's pornographic deviations from neo-Nazi ideology. 

Not only do Xsite and xsitenola.com sprinkle in the occasional woman of color ("Ebony Escorts, Beautiful Women of Color, 24/7"), they also print enthusiastic ads for gay, lesbian and bisexual dating services ("don't think about it ... Just Do It!!!"). 

Breeding's double life as a neo-Nazi stalwart and aspiring porn mogul bears an eerie resemblance, in fact, to one of Pierce's more lurid descriptions of "the nature of the Jews." 

"The truth," Pierce opined on a National Alliance radio program in 2000, "is that the Jews as a whole are myth makers, illusion builders — or to put it less politely, they are tricksters. Their whole existence among us is based on deception and illusion and misdirection. 

"Some of them are very clever," Pierce continued. "Some of them are creative. But they are quite alien in their nature. It is almost as if they had landed here from another planet. They disguise their alienness with a remarkable talent for deception. We are like a bunch of rubes at the circus, at a carnival, and they are the carnies."

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