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Subject: Torri's 22 yard sprint masterclass

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Date Posted: 02:34:29 02/14/02 Thu
In reply to: Robsy 's message, "10 FAMOUS MOMENTS ON THE FIELD OF PLAY" on 05:59:30 02/13/02 Wed

I appologise again to Robsy, and am delighted at the humour posted so far on this link. Whilst i am aware that discussing running between the wickets makes me the biggest hypocrite in the world, I must draw fellow posters to an incident last season down in Lampeter. The game was a second team game; the result, which was a win for Lampeter, is irrelevant in this context. The incident in question involves our hero Mr. Torri and that great sprinter between the wickets, Damith Rajakaruna.

Torri personally took on the responsibility of getting Damith to communicate as they endeavoured to run the 22 yard distance. It followed that Torri hit the ball behind square for a single, to which Damith responded, correctly calling loudly. Torri appeared extremely pleased with his efforts to coach Damith, and applauded his call both loudly and vermently. The attention that he gave to this encouragement was in stark contrast to his running to the other end. As a result, Torri was run out by a country mile, as the fielder could have walked to the stumps if he so wished. Torri was out, but was so pleased with damith's call, that he was still applauding him on the way off, even though that wicket meant we were in the shit

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williams you lierolly04:38:53 02/14/02 Thu

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