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Subject: Queensferry

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Date Posted: 15:24:09 03/07/02 Thu
In reply to: Robsy 's message, "10 FAMOUS MOMENTS ON THE FIELD OF PLAY" on 05:59:30 02/13/02 Wed

This did not exactly happen on the field of play but it sticks out in the memory of those that were involved. It was a welsh cup game up in Connah's Quay. Robin was the captain for the day as Alistar the then captain was captaining the conference side. Robin had decide that the best way to get to the venue was via Queensferry, much to the disagreement of Dai jingle jangle, who was contented to go on his own route with messers Evans and williams in toe. Anyway cut a long story short all the people that followed thy leader through Queensferry were late, which cosisted of most of the team. On finally arriving Robin's appeal to Evan's was,"Have you tossed up Evs" in a bit of a panic, to which evans responded "Yes i had to were batting" to which the famous RAV responded " bloody ell evns what the bloody ell did you do that for" Robin had ceased to remember that there was only three of them to field and one had to bowl the other had to keep wicket, CAN YOU IMAGINE EVS KEEPING WICKET. The rest of us just fell about laughing, looking at evs with an exppresion of can i do anything right.

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I think that this one will do for the moments away from the pitch as well (NT)SiWills15:30:53 03/07/02 Thu

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