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Subject: 1st suggestion to the list

Si Wills
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Date Posted: 15:20:39 05/16/02 Thu
In reply to: W E B 's message, "NAMES NEEDED FOR ACC LEGENDS LIST" on 15:09:48 05/16/02 Thu

I shall start the ball rolling by mentioning a player who may have only played for the 1st XI on the odd occasion. he made his debut for the 2nd XI in the same season that I did and proved himself to be a competent wicket keeper. Just prior to the influx from the constabulary, he proved to be the perfect example to youngsters setting out at that time, by drinking Special Brew in the car on the way to games and also on the sidelines before play started, in cohoots with his alter ego big Jim Reagan. In physical stature, he was the equivalent of Mike Francis, with the probability of being in a greater number of fights. His appearance was pure Johnstonesque, albeit even scruffier. I shall always remember his black permed mullet haircut, which shined in the summer sun. When he chose to grow a moustache he reminded me of the Darts player Steve Beaton. To committee members he will probably be remembered for his reply (in a strong black country accent) to a question that asked his opinion on a trivial matter:

"If I am completely honest, I really don't care at this very moment. I just really need to go for a piss!!"

I nominate Nab Ali

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ACC Legends ListAndy V05:20:50 05/29/02 Wed

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