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Subject: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

Yazan Ghanem (Not Bad)
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Date Posted: 01:25:11 02/09/12 Thu

Dear All,

I come to you from a long 23 years journey that has resulted nothing but failure to this day, I am 23 years old and I am severely dyslexic (as who did the test for me said: i am one of the severest dyslexics she had seen) My school were very very hard days involving sucidel thoughts, in my first grade i barely had friends, and it really bugged me that the teacher used to ask my classmates to be friends with me, of course my exam grades were horrible i still remember the zeros on my spelling tests, later in school i was very poppular and i had alot of friends but of course bad marks, i finished school with poor marks but was accepted at a university i the UK but then becasue i am from the Middle east people (teachers, parents friends....) didnt believe in dyslexia so i ignored it totally and failed my university, i did four years, my dad paid a fortune but i failed, now i went back home a lost, depressed person, i am working in my dads company with no salary, just trying to learn anything to hold on to, the other day i started thinking about everything and came back to read about dyslexia, because I KNOW I AM SMART, and smarter than alot of people around me but somthing is wrong, now I have all the determination in the world to succeeded, i dont know if i am late or if i should go back to university alot of dyslexics has made it without college but they had a skill and knew what they want, for me i know i have skills including presentation, communication and creative out of the box problem solving but i dnt know how to utilize or use my skills,but i dont know what i want, money is the least of my problems but its my future that worries me, Failure is not an option for my future the only option is success....and i am ready to give everything in my life to succeed and i am ready to work both hard and smart but i dont see the way or the correct path......please help me

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

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Date Posted: 00:41:37 02/10/12 Fri

Hello Yazan.

It sounds like to me that you have a very supportive family to help you.
I would suggest that you go back to university and carry on your studies. The only thing you have to do before you join a university visit them and ask them about the support they can give you if they cannot give you the support that you need look for another university. The best people to speak to at the University of the student advisers. These people are the people that will be helping you when you need it the most. I know this because this is what my daughter does for a living.
Like you I have severe dyslexia on like you I did not find out to much later in life. Like you I get very frustrated with the other people who generally think just because I cannot read and write like they do I must be thick how wrong they are. As you can see there are no spelling mistakes on this message to you. That is because I use computer software I use naturally speaking Dragon version 11.5 at the moment when the new version comes out I shall probably upgrade again. When you talk to these people who think you are thick and tell them that you use computer software to do things that they cannot do they do not know that this sort of software exists.
So good luck to you by hope your life can change for the better never give up hope.
There are plenty of famous people out there who have dyslexia and not very successful in life they surround themselves with people to do the reading and writing for them but they are still overall in charge of their business. Richard Branson Whoopi Goldberg Jackie Stewart Jamie Oliver and countless others are all dyslexic. So if they can be successful so can you.
Yours sincerely.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

Toni (Visual thinker)
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Date Posted: 13:34:18 06/19/12 Tue

Hi Yazan;
Your history is very similar to mi own. You have your parentīs economical support but have to fight everyday to find out wich is your place in this world. I can see you have strong will, as most of us do. I can tell you I have a Fine Arts college degree; But I am actually working in the family bussines because when I got into the workerīs world I just didnīt fit anywhere. I am 36 years old now and I star accepting myself the way I am. Now I relize I am a lot wiser than many people around me who are not dyslexic and I have become conscient of the gift or positive side of my different brain wiring. Even this I can tell you that going to college has not made me be happier: Find something you relly like and you will succeed. I understand now many things of my life in a different way, but I must confess that sometimes I have thought of suicide: Mainly because of the lack of emotional understanding or empathy from my parents and other people more than because of academycal results. Websides like this make me feel I am not alone and there are more people out there who can really understand me. Just one more point: As many people may think you are slow-minded, not intelligent or dispraxic, it gives you a clear advantage towards others: Use this in your own benefit ;-D

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

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Date Posted: 07:39:39 02/13/12 Mon

Hi yazan, I completely understand your feeling its not easy at all to cope with Dyslexia... I am Middle Eastern as well and it took me 6 years to finish my undergraduate degree here in the UK(it should be 3 years). During my studies I was helping my class mates to understand some modules but in exams i was always failing, and if I get lucky and get sympathy from my lecturers I pass and i get max %51, even my class mates were extremely surprised!! But I got use to it since I was young to get the lowest mark!! Luckily I graduated with a degree in Engineering and Business Management, then I tried to get a job as graduate, but I couldn't because I had to attend an assessment center and bla bla bla.. to get a job! at the end.. the only way was to start my own business and that's how I am surviving now...

My point is, don't compare your self to others on your age!! and believe on your self because eventually you will reach your target, but I have to say it might take you some time to understand your self first and to understand exactly what you want and what your strengths are?!! then build on it.

Good luck

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

trisha (i found help..)
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Date Posted: 10:22:10 03/01/12 Thu


i understand where every body is coming from. I have always work labor jobs, climding trees, grocery stores and warehouse. school and well life has always been a challange for me. i never thought i could do any better in life and was just learning to deal with it and work around my issues. I went on a job interview on a wim alomst 2 years ago. i was telling myself that i should at least try. it is one of those jobs that is challaging and hard work, its a corporte job. where almost every body here has a college degree but myself. I knew starting this job my dyslexia and learning problem was going to be a issues but i took the job anyway for a change, a challenge, a new start at a diffent life. Anyway my dyslexia and learning issues came about and i did alot of research for help. Every where i looked said i couldn't do a assessment to figure out where i was educational wise because i graduted high school. I found an organation that helps poeple with dyslexia, learning problems, ADD, and more. The program helps with cogative skills training. If anyone is really looking for real help and answers, i would sugguest looking into a company called LearningRX. i did an assessment to find out where i am and i am starting classes, one on one training tonight as a matter of fact. I have high hope and know it well help me. the program will help with being able to learn something new, retian information, learning will be easier and of course it well help with your and my self asteem and much much more. if any of you are serois and want to grow in life, career and confadance i would high reckameng this program. thank you all your time and good luck.

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

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Date Posted: 08:16:49 03/22/12 Thu

Maybe try to use your creative side a little more.. It might just help you.

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

Glenn & Melva Harrington (Good News)
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Date Posted: 14:28:15 05/06/12 Sun

Good News --

Get Tested --- When I was 70 years old -- I am now 80 --
I was tested and was reading and spelling on the 4th level.

But wait -- I have a BS and a MS -- tought for 35 years in both high school and a two year college - was a Park Ranger for the National Park service and have owned a number of businesses and I still read on a 4th grade level.

The test also showed that my "True or innate intelligence" was in the top 2%ile of the random population of 1000 people.

I am a member of The America MENSA Society and I still read and spell of the 4th Grade level.

Adjust and compensate and you will have a great life.

I have just finished a 30K word manuscript on my life that should be published in about 4 months and I still read on a 4th grade level.

One thing in the Book is ----- "You cannot overcome problems in your life (Dyslexia) nor will they be taken from you until you accept them and develop a positive attitude towards them. Then and only then will you become the master of you faith, the fashioner of you life and the doer of miracles.

God Bless --- Glenn

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[> Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

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Date Posted: 09:37:08 09/04/12 Tue


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