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Date Posted: 07:44:17 12/25/01 Tue
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Unexpected.
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Riders" on 15:13:02 12/24/01 Mon

>The riders split halkf going towards monet the rest
>for firefigure.

Femme goes onwards at a grueling pace, further and further from the others, until she is satisfied. Then she stops suddenly and whirls, facing the oncoming riders with a fury in those dark oculi unmatched by any other. Snort is emitted through delicate nostrils, which flare to show pink interior as she glares at them for a momet. Then, as they draw nearer, she bursts into action, dashing for the one nearest her, seeking to kill man and horse alike, seeking to rid her home of these...invaders, these imbeciles. Bared incisors gleam in the desert midday sun, onyx hooves kicking up the golden sand, which creates a whirlwind around her elegant physique. She is a sight to strike fear into the hearts of fierce warriors, and seems to have gone insane, as she charges swiftly towards the hapless Rider...

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