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Subject: Good Old fashioned....MINCE PIE

on behalf of Jan (and others!)
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Date Posted: 14:19:58 11/26/01 Mon

Author: JAN
Slogan: wwLTM.95.5/62.6/60.0

Hiya folks

Here is a recipe for mince pie... an old favourite.... but replaced with filo pastry instead of the old fashioned heavy pastry (ohhhhhh yummo).. that mother used to make...





450g lean beef, minced
1½ cups carrot, grated
150g potatoes, grated
1 cup parsnip, grated
1 cup water
2 beef stock cubes, crumbled
1 tbsp cornflour
11 sheets filo pastry.

1. Preheat oven t0 180ºC. Coat 1 23cm pie plate with cooking spray.
2. Brown mince in a non-stick pan, breaking up with a fork. Add veggies, stock cubes & ½ cup of water to pan. Bring to boil, cover & simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or until veggies are tender, adding more water if necessary. Thicken with cornflour dissolved in a little water, ensuring that mixture is not runny. Season to taste. Cool slightly while preparing pastry.
3. Line pie plate with 6 sheets of filo, folding to fit the dish and spraying each layer lightly with cooking spray. Pour filling into pastry case and top with remaining pastry, folding to fit. Cut a steam slit in the pie and coat with cooking spray.
4. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Serves 6 @ 3½ points per serve.
4 @ 5.25 points

Post Date: 8/22/2001 12:33:20 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: Rebecca

Hi Jan

Made this recipe last night, it was devine! It's been a long long time since I've had "pea, pie and pud!!!"

I even had pumpkin too! And lots of tom. sauce.

Thanks for that Jan!

Post Date: 8/22/2001 1:55:59 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: JAN
Home Page: http://www.95.5/62.6/60.0

Hiya Rebecca

YOu're sooooo welcome.....

Thanks..... I have been offline for ages...... my computer is still not right..... and have been off it for ages........ still not completely back to normal....... but when I am got heaps of new recipes.....



Post Date: 8/22/2001 7:34:05 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: Brenda
Slogan: SFL 801/ 144.3/121.9/64

Sounds yummo and shoping day tomorrow will give it a go for sure!

Post Date: 8/25/2001 8:11:42 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: Brenda
Slogan: SFL 801/ 144.3/121.9/64

Well the mince pie was a hit with all the family members, it will definatley be on the menu plan Thanks Jan

Post Date: 8/27/2001 11:13:40 AM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: JAN
Home Page: http://www.95.5/62.6/60.0

Hiya Brenda

Thanks........ and to whoever invented FILO PASTRY...... it has been a lifesaver hasn't it........ can still have all the old fashioned favourites....... but lighter on points.... much healthier and best of all don't feel like we ar weight watching.... *giggle*....



Post Date: 9/2/2001 2:29:24 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: Trish_nz
Slogan: sfl 648/ 132/106.5 aim 99.9

I love this recipe too!

Thanks Jan ... it's YUMMY! I make it often now and even take some to work for lunches! I love it!

Post Date: 10/6/2001 4:14:30 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: zoey

is this recipe suitable to freeze....???????
thanks in advance

Post Date: 10/6/2001 5:18:49 PM (Eastern Australia) Edit
Author: Trish_nz
Slogan: sfl132/103.7/ 28.3 kgs gone forever!

Hi zoey!

Yep! I make it, freeze it and take it to work for lunches! YUMMO!

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