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Subject: *looks at Kitsune and smiles* "I DO I DO I DO IDO!@!!!!!!!!!!!"*turns and stares at Skipray and shroud......*"okay then.......well at least im well liked around here, people, feel the LOVE!!! **looks at Whiteye* "i think i'll finish off the vows my way!!! *greins and flips back her veil and throw it over her shoulder and does a good impression of whiteye*"you may now kiss the bride!"*grins and then grabs Kitsune and...(well can't you just imagine it? hehehe!)*after finishing up she turns to all the single girls behind her*"okay girls....im gunna throw the boqet now...no fighting over it!"*turns her back to the crowd and throws it in the air...who's gunna catch it?....then sidles up back beside her husband and throws her arms around him as she watches the boqet sail through the air...*

Scamps angel Uzuki (P.S Kitsune is a good kisser *wink,wink runaway and hide now cause i know he's gunna get me for sayin that about him mweheheheh!)
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Date Posted: 22:04:30 12/03/01 Mon
In reply to: Scamps 's message, "*you walk into the clearing and gasp*" on 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

>*in fron of you are rows of seats made from split
>logs, down the middle of the rows is a walkway that
>has been lined with flowers like Jasmine lillies and
>white roses, at the end of the walkway is a pagola
>that has been wreathed with alternate white and red
>roses and snowdrops, you hear a rustle behind you and
>see a small tent erected behind you, above it is a
>picture of a wolf, a head pokes out and you are
>surprised to see Scamps (well just her head really)
>her fur has been combed to a dull sheen and a tiara
>made from silver and tigereye jasper adorns her head
>she loks around and spots you* "hey there, uhh i need
>the bridesmaids (furrtil and Dusklight) and besides
>that can you find me a flowergirl and a person to be
>the preist, i know this is in the nick of time but the
>weddings going to start soon!"*with that she
>dissapears into the tent again*

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I DO! I DO!!! *Watches the bouquet fly into the air above the crowding creatures, and finally land on a branch of the tree.* II love you Scamps! *Begins to laugh as some of the beast's try to reach the bouquet before all else. He then turns his attention to the wedding cake, which had already been knawed upon.* Hey! What the! How'd that happen!? (NT)Kitsune, apparently having zoned out for minutes01:09:20 12/04/01 Tue
    Song scurries up the tree and grabs the bouquet** yay! (NT)Song06:20:51 12/04/01 Tue

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