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Subject: *Nightband sneaks up behind Telemain and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek* Hullo. Ah, Scamps' wedding...she looks beautiful, don't you think? *she smiles and sits next to her fiance. She is wearing a blue dress in victorian style with a wide neck, both horizontally and vertically. Her sleeves are puffy at the top and they become tightly fit at the elbow, coming into a point atop her paws. She has a red cloak on that is decorated with white sequins in a celtic knot pattern. Her head is adorned with a black tiara with rubies and jet set in the base and five long ribbons trail from the back, rose heads attached to the bottom. She is watching the wedding intently, but also watching Telemain out the cormer of her eye*

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Date Posted: 18:30:19 11/27/01 Tue
In reply to: Scamps 's message, "*you walk into the clearing and gasp*" on 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

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*Telemain nods, signifying Scamps' beauty.* uh huh... *His black tunic is akward, but his eyes are to the ground, while he peeks up at Nightband, once and a while.*Telemain20:41:33 11/27/01 Tue

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