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Subject: Grrrrrrr!!! *Frustrated The fox rips off his bow-tie and throws it at the tent's wall after trying desperately to fit the bow-tie around his neck.* I'll just go without it. *Kitsune looks up, the frustration fades away as the sound of music fills his ears.* Oh-no it's starting. *He looks out at the row of seats quickly filling, then turns to face Jeihron.* Okay! Now I've gotta get out there! See ya later Jeih! *With a smile on his face, he leaps out from the tent and past the tree to make it over to the row of chairs.*

Kitsune Uzuki the red fox
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Date Posted: 01:15:47 11/28/01 Wed
In reply to: Scamps 's message, "*you walk into the clearing and gasp*" on 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

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*the music starts up, but it is not the usual wedding music, it is slow and sounds like it is somthing from speakers all around, you can reginize the tune, but can't place the beat..., Scamps walks down the aisle...seeming to float, the light playing on her dress so that is sparkles in the watery sunlight abover her, reaching the podium where the preist is she slows and looks around, you can she is smileing beneath the gauze like veil, from behind her there is a running sound and a large black wolf rushes up to the Alter, he is clad in dark blue robes and is holding a book, leaping up to the podium he stops and places the book down, Scamps looks for Kitsune at the end of the aile....*Scamps angel windstar<|>03:07:13 11/28/01 Wed

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