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Subject: *Kitsune looks through the crowd of creatures sitting in the rows of chairs. He looks to himself while standing behind the crowd, deciding what kind of entrance to make.* I'm already late for the wedding! I can't think about this anymore. *The fox calms himself to slow his heavy breathing. And starts forward.* I'll just play it by ear. If I stumble on a rock and fall, no big deal. I'll just have to get back up and pretend it didn't happen. Well, hear goes nothing. *With a smile on his face, Kitsune trots down the aisle to his mate.*

Kitsune the red fox
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Date Posted: 21:26:20 11/29/01 Thu
In reply to: Scamps 's message, "*you walk into the clearing and gasp*" on 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

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*Scamps hears Kitsune makeing his way down the aisle and turns to watch him, he ears flattening in admiration, you have to hand it to him, he does look fantastic in a suit!, without turning she whispers to Starwulf who is acting as the preist*"are you sure you know the vows?, i think a real preist is needed...uhhh...we don't have one...well....here goes nothing""Scamps00:10:24 11/30/01 Fri

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