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Date Posted: 08:12:40 06/03/23 Sat
Author: highplainswoman
Subject: Looking for "O Holy NIght" by Annie
Have been looking for "O Holy NIght" by Annie--I think I got the author's name correct. I've been unable to get onto "Legacies"--and I have been trying for months!. This story is quite possibly the most rational and best explanation of the Paraguay story-line arc. That's my opinion, for the less-than 2-cents worth, anyway.
Life has been kinda rough around the edges lately, so to "self-medicate" in a relatively "harmless" way, decided I would start re-viewing ALL of JAG from the first pilot episode all the way through the final scene in "FWFS", Season 10. (ANd you can get all ten seasons at Amazon for a whopping $65. Even I can afford that. It's interesting how one's perspective changes over time. If there's any interest I might jot down my own observations about the various episodes especially taking the 30,000-ft. perspective of the whole ten years.
In addition, I am not-at-all-happy with NCIS-LA Season 11/NCISO-LA Season 12 "Harm and Mac" appearances. What a disappointment and what a let down!! I've read just a few of the "corrections" and none have really resonated with me. So I'm seriously contemplating a reflective piece on just where Harm and Mac are according to cannon NOW, not the fairy-tale ending we all wanted. Don't know for sure when that will appear--taking notes and doing some research on the topic matter at the moment. I'm open to suggestions as to how Harm and Mac seaparated--and did that marriage ever happen in the first place? And oh yeah, what happened to Mattie, anyway???
Lots of material to work with.
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I could only find 'O' Night Divine' by LRM - inside -- yiota, 01:54:12 06/21/23 Wed
This is the link via wayback machine,
I hope it works. On another note, it's nice to see that authors like you intend to reactivate writing.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! -- highplainswoman, 06:14:44 07/25/23 Tue
I've waited a long time to respond for several reasons, more on that later. But you can't imagine my thrill when I found your link to Legacies. THAT's been a frustrating search on my part for several months, now.
It helps sto have the correct title of a story when searching: "O Night Divine" was the story I was looking for. You can't imagine the thrill that went through me when I saw the link to Legacies.
Timing of a new story is "problematic": I'm making a 500+ mile move in eight weekks, going from North Central Kansas to the heart of the Colorao Rockies. So at the moment I'm doing the"purge" stage of moving and getting things together for a big "moving garage sale". But while I'm sorting, I'm also thinking story line for new story.
The essential question is just why were Harm and Mac where they were in NCIS-LA Season 11/Season 12 instead of in their own commands (London/San Diego). It was a shock--although after re-viewing all ten years of JAG, it shouldn't have been--to discover, according to Mac, they had been seaparated for 9 1/2 years. Their "togetherness" lasted less than six months. Why? How did they get to where they were during those two episodes of NCIS-LA?
I'm open to suggestions and input from anyone who cares to contribute. It's going to be a while before I can actually start writing--I'm still very much in the data-gathering stage.
Not sure about Mac, but in Harm's case, after surveying all ten years, there's sort of a pattern of behavior emerging on this part. The pattern gets oscuure by the every-week episodic nature of the show, but here's the 30,000 foot pattern I think should be at the top of the list of things to keep in mind: Harm has gone from an active-duty squadron on a carrier, to a "desk" job first learning the law and then ending up at JAG HQ until back to another active duty squadron back to JAG and then Paraguay and a brief stint in the CIA. During Seasons 9 and 10 (pretty good stories, actually, if you ignore the fact they were trying to write DJE out of the show), Harm was displaying signs of restlessness. In at least two, if not more, episodes, he expressed regret that he couldn't activly join the fight in the field. That's why I think it should not be so shocking he bailed on the "togetherness" thing shortly after the end of the series.
Another question to be sonsidered: Would he have his own ship by now--or would he be back behind a desk, this time as a one-start Admiral and at the Pentagon as an "advisor" to, not the SecNav, but the Secretary of Defense. And given current events and Harm's unique skill sets, I think it would be entirely appropriate to put him in charge of the F-16's fighter jets the U.S. is blessing going to the Ukraine. (That's an area of research I have yet to do but it would be nice to know what readers' initial reaction would be; would this be entirely consistent with the characters we were introduced to so many years ago?)
Those are just some of the thoughts I've been thinking about in concocting a new story. Reactions would assuredly be welcome.
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Actually, they were together for about five years, JAG ended in 2005, Season 11 of NCIS LA ended in 2019, so that's 14 years, nine of which they spent apart. Inside -- yiota, 12:48:23 07/25/23 Tue
Sorry, I think they were both idiots. If they were serious about having a child, they would have realised that Mac should have been the one to retire and focus on fertility treatments or adoption or whatever. On the other hand Harm was never the guy to be supportive of his wife. Had they gone for adoption, he could have just as easily been the stay-at-home dad. Mac was right when she said they weren't communicating.
I always found Mac was inconsistently written. She allowed Dalton and Mic and Webb to force her into a stereotype, push her to do things she didn't want to do, and she let them even though she was settling for them, but Harm wasn't allowed any leeway, at least as far as their friendship goes. No matter how honourable Harm was, I think the only time he put Mac first was when he went to Paraguay, but then he didn't follow through. I've said many times that I'm actually pissed at the writers, but also CB and DJE who returned to film those episodes, even though they no longer had to.
Anyway, thanks for the chance to rant.
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glad you guys found what you were looking for ! -- chris k, 21:41:21 09/18/23 Mon
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