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Well.... this is my first time reading that... Inside for comments..... -- The Chief, 00:12:15 08/08/14 Fri
Harm basically called her bluff about Mic in those lines of dialog that were not used. "You've been defending this relationship to me from day one." He's forcing her to make a choice and saying, If he's the one you really want - go get him.
In that moment, can you imagine how torn Mac would be? Really deep in her heart struggling to choose between Mic and Harm, and not being able to let Harm "win" by letting him think he was right all along about her and Mic. So she HAS to go to the airport. And when Mic rebuffs her with such silent finality, she has no choice but to go back to Harm, but she still resists it, asking WHY when he tells her to come back to him.
Oh, she had herself tangled up REAL good!
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