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Subject: A week... a day...

Shinto Keshan
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Date Posted: 11:37:42 09/09/02 Mon

Time passed on the beach. Every night Shinto worked on what he could of Shayla's memory. Not that he made to much progress since he only knew so much. On the third night Shinto took a siringe and drew a vile of his blood. A few minutes later a mail bot landed. Shinto packaged the blood along with a note. After swiping his card through the pay slot the thing took off. Shayla asked him about it but Shinto said nothing.

On the 7th day when the twilight was begining to signal the end of the day. Shayla was relaxing on the beach and Shinto was resting in a hamic. Then a beeping started from Shinto's watch. "Ahhh are the ribs done yet?" He said to himself as he looked. "......." He looked and then turned out of the hamic and pushed off the ground to his feet. Quickly he ran because about 15 seconds later a missle hit the house he had been next to vaporizing everything that was near it including the hamic.

"I should have known better then to trust the post office. Privecy garentied huh?" Shinto complained to himself.

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Subject Author Date
OOC postCupid06:58:02 09/10/02 Tue
Re: a memory maybeShayla West15:35:53 09/11/02 Wed

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