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Subject: =To flee? To never...=

Aquarius und Incendium
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Date Posted: 22:12:06 01/06/02 Sun
In reply to: Kay & Co. 's message, "*a sharp whistle*" on 21:05:15 01/05/02 Sat

=Sensative twins flicker at sound o' other canis, die Mascu vould take care o' them along side that o' mate. Male continues his gallop through die dark forest, soon coming 'pon trail o' four sets o' paws from earlier journey. Umber orbs swirl like that o' vater, die sea seen in stare as sight is caught on fatale. Silent acknoweldgement is made to one another before turning an' continuing down trail..=

=She-devil has disposed o' prey, hidden die duo o' fowl unter die ice, snow, und leaves that litter die forest floor. Vhen she considers it vell protected by camoflauge, die fatale goes to meet vith mas..=

=Duo crosses quickly o'er steepening terrain, forest o' spruce, firs, und pines qrow e'er thickening as rocks begin to become larger and more common. Die duo make their vey easily, still listening to die melody of canines on der trail. No creature larger than that a deer could pass through this terrain, certainly none at great speed save for the fleet footedness o' canine. Die canis halt at a small clearing, waiting for die attackers. Femme licks ivories, eager for battle an' taste o' crimson fluid, muscles flexed in anticipation while die male waits with a quiet stature, plume flicking from side to side lazily....=

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*pursuit*Kay & Co.23:10:53 01/06/02 Sun

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