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Subject: *pursuit*

Kay & Co.
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Date Posted: 23:10:53 01/06/02 Sun
In reply to: Aquarius und Incendium 's message, "=To flee? To never...=" on 22:12:06 01/06/02 Sun

*The girl watches as the dogs make their way through the forest, the room for Cobalt quickly diminishing. She slows the black mare and calls for the dogs to return with a sharp whistle.*

~Duo 'o canine flesh hot on trail 'o feral dog, reluctant to return at command. Femme ceases to run and looks back at girl 'pon black bruja, soft whine is emitted as a plea. Brujo 'o larger rebellion continues pace through woods, stopping only for fresh signs o' digging by trail. Intricate smells laced out from t'others o' forest by po'erfull nasal senses indicate path o' wild canis and nearness of deceased fowl. Forepaws tear at freshly dug grave, scent of avian grows stronger. Sight 'o bloody pinions exites brujo, jaws reach for grip 'round limp bird. Prey grasped in ivory fangs, now-obediant canine paces confidently back to girl, presenting find with great wagging 'o tail.*

*Kay smiles dolefully* Good work boy. And thank you for coming back, for a moment there I doubted you. *She tosses him a small twig she'd snapped off a dead limb nearby, her only choice for a reward* C'mon you two, let's go home, shall we? *She heads Cobalt back to the farm and lets her go at her own pace*

~Canine brujo emits happy yip 'fore grasping twig in mouth and following girl 'pon black fetale back to farm, mate at his side~

+Black equus bobs sculptured head, snort emitting from velvet nares. Sets pace in a two-beat, when open land was reached dark fetale accelerates into a lope*

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=Fiery=Aquarius und Incendium23:22:52 01/06/02 Sun

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