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Date Posted: 13:59:27 01/23/03 Thu
Author: Bridget
Subject: *She enters and looks around*

*Her tail sags as she notes that the farm is deserted. Her ears continue to listen for a familiar voice. None is heard. No voice seems to exist any longer. She howls sadly, looking around once again. She sits on her haunches, looking for a place to rest*

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[> ^He follows close behind her, their pup in tow^ -- Devil's Fury, 15:13:27 01/23/03 Thu

^He looks around the deserted farm too, curious as to why she's upset. He nuzzles her gently and sits down next to her^
What's wrong? I thought you wanted to be here. It's better to live at a deserted place than nowhere at all. And another thing, this can be a wonderful home for us.
^He sniffs the air curiously, catching only the scent of grass and things from other areas. The farm at which they stand is completely empty^
Because we're the only ones here.

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[> [> *She whirls to face him* -- Bridget, 16:43:08 01/24/03 Fri

*She stares at him with her glimmering eyes and speaks softly, though her voice is thick with tears*

You don't understand, my whole life was here. My heart broke a thousand times in these fields, I died and was reborn! My entire past blows in this wind. All of my friends, family. . .everything, were right here.

*She turns away from him again, glaring at her paws. Her mind tries to go back just far enough to Gunner, but she pushes it back to current matters. Love was no longer a thing of the past. She'd found it again. Why did she still miss him so?
And now it's gone! Gunner's gone, so are Tabby and Jen. Everything that I lived for, everyone that I lived for. . .gone. Let's just stay here a few more days, to see if maybe anyone comes.

*Her gaze shifts to the distance, looking hopefully out at the empty field she'd seen him come through a million times before. She waits anxiously for Tabby, Jen, Acrosti, anyone, to appear from the field. Mostly, though, Gunner lies within her hopes*

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[> [> [> ^He looks around curiously^ -- Devil's Fury, 21:01:40 01/26/03 Sun

^He shakes his head slowly^ No one's coming. . .I'm leaving right now. Maybe someone at the police station will take me. I can't believe that you're going to sit here and wait for someone who isn't coming. He's gone, get over it, get over him, I thought you were mine. ^He begins walking toward the station, careless as to whether or not she follows^

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[> [> Tilts his head -- Gunner, 16:38:39 01/30/03 Thu

Tilts his head from his spot on the farmhouse porch. Deep chocolate eyes stay dullen as he sniffs the air, reddish coat sifting lightly in the breeze. A yawn escaped the Irish Setter as he stands and stretches, then slowly walks down the few stairs, following onto the side walk, his steps light and heavy all at the same time.

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[> [> [> Also....>> -- Gunner, 18:55:14 01/30/03 Thu

Just to let you know, I have been here. Just not... posting. There was none to reply to, everyone left. lol Anyway, just to tell ya ;-)

His picture I made him... Did a crappy job but oh well.

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[> [> [> [> *Stands* -- Bridget, 14:34:49 02/01/03 Sat

*She stands slowly and sniffs around for a few minutes. Then barks when she recognizes the familiar scent of Gunner and runs for the farmhouse's porch*

(By the way, I love that pic!)

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[> [> [> [> [> Stops -- Gunner, 20:55:46 02/01/03 Sat

He stops momentarily, hearing the footsteps and smelling the familiar dog. After finally realizing who it was, or at least hoping, he advances into a fast trot, which speeds into a lope in a matter of seconds. He lets out a few loud barks, slowing to see if he could hear a reply

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[> [> [> [> [> Stops (more>>pressed enter too soon) -- Gunner, 20:57:04 02/01/03 Sat

He stops momentarily, hearing the footsteps and smelling the familiar dog. After finally realizing who it was, or at least hoping, he advances into a fast trot, which speeds into a lope in a matter of seconds. He lets out a few loud barks, slowing to see if he could hear a reply. His weary bones made him slow back to a trot, then he stops, looking over the grasses to see if Bridget was in view.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> *Barks* -- Bridget, 21:09:46 02/01/03 Sat

*She barks shrilly and stops when Gunner comes into view. Momentarily, she decides that he is merely a hallucination and blinks a few times before tilting her head questioningly. Finally, she convinces herself that he is indeed real and a smile crosses her face. She races toward him with wreckless abandon, barking the entire time*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Barks* -- Gunner, 11:06:02 02/02/03 Sun

He trots towards her until he is in front of her, and then starts to sniff her. His tail is raised high like a flag, waving as fast as it could possibly go. Letting out a low bark he finally licks her cheek. "Bridget?!"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Her tail wags furiously* -- Bridget, 12:13:30 02/03/03 Mon

*She nods quickly, quite a few times, to emphasize that it was her. Her eyes twinkle as they had in the past, excitement plain in her expression. Her muzzle reaches out to nuzzle him, but then pulls back, unsure of who stood before her* Are you really Gunner? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? *She looks at the figure before her intently, awaiting some sort of response*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Sits down -- Gunner, 13:26:52 02/03/03 Mon

He sits down before her. A few white hairs had begun to peak around his nose, his hair was a bit thinner, and he was a little skinnier. Despite that he was the same old dog he used to be. "Of course it's me, Bridget... And I've missed you alot."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Smiles* -- Bridget, 13:42:32 02/03/03 Mon

*She smiles and lunges at him in a doggish hug, her chest meeting hs. She nuzzles the side of his face gently and licks his eyebrow* I missed you too. . .Sorry I have beeen gone so long. I thought you had died. *She sits down after nuzzling his face one more time. Her fur hadn't thinned much, though she had become thinner* I lived on the streets for a while and made some new friends. How about you?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Doggish shrug -- Gunner, 14:03:47 02/03/03 Mon

After the small greeting he kind of gives a doggish shrug. "I dunno... Nothing much around here. Jen dissapeared soon after her fiance Brian did and I've just waited around here. After a while it got kind of lonesome... I started to wonder if I should leave but I guess I'm glad I didn't." Smileys in a doggy way, licking her muzzle gently.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *She returns the shrug* -- Bridget, 17:30:49 02/03/03 Mon

*She notices Gunner's lack of enthusiasm in his greeting* Is something wrong? You seem a bit indifferent towards me. . . *She then remembers Fury* Is it because of Fury? *She then stands again, quick to explain herself* We're just friends, honest. Nothing more. *She looks at him for some sign of belief*

(I e-mailed you concerning the farm...If you'd like some help I'd be more than happy to!)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Tilts his head -- Gunner, 13:38:30 02/04/03 Tue

He tilts his head at her words, looking at her a bit oddly. "Of course not. I don't know really... I.. well I can't explain it... Nothings wrong, and even if you were more than just friends it's not like I could be mad, anyway. We were apart for so long I'm kinda surprised you didn't find anyone else." He shifts a little uneasily

(Ok! But one thing, our email is messed up so if you emailed jason@fidnet.com i won't get it. i use my old one now, sillyfilly@burnerkitty.com)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Frowns* -- Bridget, 14:39:39 02/04/03 Tue

*She shakes her head and laughs a little* I did for a while, but I kept thinking of you and came back. *Her ears perk slightly* Didn't you find anyone?

(Wanna talk about crappy posts? Anyways, I e-mailed the right address so you should have the right message now)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ^Turns back from the police department^ -- Devil's Fury, 15:10:11 02/04/03 Tue

^He turns from the police department after remaining ownerless for eight days. He bounds up to Bridget and sits down next to her^

Look, I'm sorry that I made you angry, but...

^He catches sight of the dog in front of her^
Wait a second here, I thought. . .I could have sworn that. . .What's going on?

^His words, directed towards Bridget, are full of confusion and slight anger^

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Watches -- Gunner, 17:03:22 02/04/03 Tue

Watches the other dog, scooting back just a little bit. He stares at the two of them, silently.

(Ok I'll cheeck it)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Stands* -- Bridget, 18:10:12 02/04/03 Tue

*She stands and stares at Fury quietly, studying him as he speaks. Her attention turns to Gunner, then back to Fury* I don't know how to explain this to you, so I'm just going to come right out and say it. Gunner was my mate before. . .well, something happened. I met you and we traveled for a while, but now I'm back home. I told you when we met that if I met Gunner again, that I would always go back. This is where I have lived most of my life, and here is where I want to finish it. Hopefully, with someone I trust at my side. *She then turns to Gunner and gives him a pleading stare* That is if Gunner is willing to take me back.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Nervous -- Gunner, 13:24:02 02/05/03 Wed

Nervously watches her as she talks, his gaze shifting between the two dogs before him. When she is silent once again he speaks. "I'm more than willing."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Grins* -- Bridget, 15:59:46 02/06/03 Thu

*She grins widely, happy to know that he still had at least friendship towards her* Thanks...I wasn't sure what you'd say. *Her attention turns to Fury* You're welcome to stay too, I think that Jen would like the company and the activity, but you'll have to find yourself someone else. *She shrugs slightly* Because we promised each other a long time ago that we'd always be willing to take each other back. And I'm sticking with my promise. *She nuzzles Gunner lightly, fearing that still he felt as though she had betrayed him somehow*

(sucky, again baah!)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Nudges her -- Gunner n' Jenifer, 17:10:31 02/06/03 Thu

He nudges her gently, still looking at the other male dog uneasily. Turning his gaze back to Bridget, a soft smile plays upon his face. "I'm happy your back-" a gunter green Avalanche pulling up interrupted his words.

(Sucky? What about mine lol BTW, the driver is Jenifer :-D)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Looks to the vehicle* -- Bridget, 05:07:21 02/07/03 Fri

*She smiles at Gunner first, emotion dancing in her eyes as well. She looks at the car a little more uneasily, though, and her ears perking forward in curiousity. A loud bark wakes people from their sleep at the farmhouse, excitement in every yelp*

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