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Subject: Re: Thanks Mike

Mike Norrod
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Date Posted: 19:46:27 02/28/06 Tue
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Thanks Mike" on 20:10:45 02/27/06 Mon

>I guess I won't find my answers in talking with you.
>Like you said in a earlier post, "Other people had
>Hemphill dogs"
>and you are correct. However, their understanding of
>those dogs is very different from your rendition.

"their" who is their?
You always refer to them and things ambiguously.
Funny thing is, everyone remembers differently then you, because you where not around.
What is different?
Both Billy and I remember the ill-temperedness in Wilder's dogs and you say we are wrong?

>The questions I asked you seem to be beyond your
>capability to answer directly or you just don't get
>it. No problem.

Point those questions out?
Are you referring to the dogs from 1927?
How in the hell could I?

>It is not my idea to agree with you on the actual
>history of the Red Nose dogs that is in Mullin's

And Richard Stratton's.

>Nor did I ask you to evaluate John Colby's
>character and what he did with his dogs, which was his
>biz alone.

You are the one who brought Colby's name into it by saying "he introduced the breed". BS John!
You don't like the "Real Facts to Real Dogs!"
I can't change how history remembers Colby, he did it to himself, as well as You and I.
You try to challenge my intellect about this breed and when you are corrected, you never seem to except it. Try as you will, but you will never be able to change the minds of the ones who has "been there and had done that!"

>For some reason your Red Nose dogs begin and end with
>Geronimo and Red Dixie, mine do not.

you're more full BS then a Christmas Turkey!
I am the "ONE", not you, who says Red Nose dogs don't begin and end with Hemphill, NOT YOU!
Here ya go again spinmaster, switching it up.

>Once again you choose to promote your own views and
>have systematically found yourself believing it to.
>The people you want to debate with will not talk with
>you because of this very reason.

John, ahhhhh you did ask....
Who views am I suppose to promote?
Someone Else's, like you do?
You are right, I do systematically debate issues and do correct them as such.
I don't let nothing slide by.
I've watched how you generically, with ambiguous terminology try to slip your pinnacle way of purity thinking on to the rest of us. I forgive you for this because it is natural way of thinking of your kind.

>My post to you was correctly understood by several
>others and your twisting ideas and comments made by me
>displays your lack of respect for other people, and
>especially me. No problem.

Excuse me, but it is your way of continued disrespect for me and my knowledge of the history, from being there, that has made me short with you. No, I will not allow someone who wasn't around and hasn't done what so many of us has done in the pass, simple come along and let it be dismissed just because they say so....

So far, I've been kind to you under the conditions I want to respect Billy T and Rosie's billboard or I would unload with both barrows on you.
For several years we've played this cat and mouse crap.
My patience has grown short.
Soon it will be time to dogman up...

>I respect your work with YOUR ROSS DOGS and CROSSES.
>But I respectfully disagree with your account and
>historical dialogue regarding a specific group of RED
>NOSE DOGS that you claim is alive today, OFRN, which
>in fact are thoroughly defunct and has not existed for
>many, many years.

Well John,
I say they are. How much plainer would like me to put it.
Now how would you like to continue this and find out who is right and who is wrong?
I am done with this pissing contest.

>Your line has made its Ironline point. Con grads. But
>it has done nothing for the specific RED NOSE FAMILY
>that was known only by a few who once saw and had the
>blood clean and honest. Mullin's referred to them as
>OFRN based on Dan's coining "the phrase".

EXCUSE ME and the rest of the gentiles for our blood not being honest and clean!!!!

My point? It has done nothing for the Red Nose Family?
John Hunt, Who in the hell do you think you are to sit in judgement of me and what my point is?
What do you know and have done for this breed to even have a point???

>Look, it is obvious that we are on 2 different playing

I think everyone knew that as soon as you suited up to play you were over matched!
You right, we are, mine is elevated...

>I don't have a problem with that, since I view
>every man's yard as competition.

Can't wait to see you complete! I want to be the first batter up when you step on the mound the first time to pitch your BS.

>I sent you a pedigree through e mail that is already
>open and waiting for your honest hardcore opinion.
>Whenever your ready or not, no problem.

I've respond to your email. Open it. As far as opinion on another person's pedigree, why?
I've seen so many pedigrees in my life, I'm pedigreed out!
Impress me with the dog then we will discuss the pedigree.
Then after that and of you think of me being pompous, you might understand when someone like yourself comes along and tries tell you how it is in the same manner as you have done to me.

Good luck with your dogs and maybe someday you will enter my playing field then my understanding and point of view will display itself to you...

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Re: Thanks Mikejrb
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