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Subject: Re: FTJ

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Date Posted: 07:20:26 03/06/06 Mon
In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: FTJ" on 11:34:33 03/05/06 Sun

HAHAHA THATS FUNNY ........ You know john when you first started lookin for some dogs you contacted me praising sarona dogs and i was going to give you one to start with because you were broke and couldnt even pay for shipping and then you ran into your bro lano and all of a sudden sarona was second hand and i was an idiot and your bro lano started posting twisted up crap about what i told you about my dogs ... as a man you have a lot to learn most people laugh there asses of when they read your posts on the glue that holds rednoses together .... i have news for you all my rednose dogs come down from all the old family rednose blood behind in my dogs peds just because they come out of blacknose stock dont mean shit because have you ever heard of the term "breeding dominance" the situation where throwbacks are reproduced from there ancestors dominant genes from the past

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