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Subject: Mike said!

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Date Posted: 18:32:48 03/06/06 Mon
In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: FTJ" on 10:04:03 03/06/06 Mon

Mike said:

"We wanted winners like all the old time dogmen before us wanted, which help create the breed we have today!"

Boy you sure said a mouthful there man! Despite our arguements in the past, I have to say, the older I get, and the more the years go by with this magnificant breed, its not as much about the bloodline any more as it is with the BREED! THE BREED! Thats whats important.
Its a really hard thing for me to say, but in high% form, the OFRN line just doesnt produce ALL of the needed tools to be able to hang amongst the elite.

Sure, the ones I have produce a very high % of dogs that run true and game, good confirmation, wind, athletic ability and what not, but they lack that hybrid vigor that can only be got by battlecrossing. To breed only nothing but OFRNs is just a complete waste of time. Because when you do that, you will never produce any kind of decent % of dogs that will be everything that you want them to be.

OFRNs are merely 1 tool, and 1 tool just isnt enough to tackle a project as big as doin the dawgs. Theres not very much that can be accomplished when your toolbox only has 1 tool in it lol.

I sure get tired of viewing all the purest this, and purest that of OFRN debates lol. It doesnt really matter whos is purer, what matters is DOES IT, and IS IT WINNING? If not, then your doing nothing more than wasting money, time, and running around in a round room looking for a corner to piss in lol.

Stick to the big picture, and the big picture is this, THE BREED AS A WHOLE! I will always maintain a strain of high % OFRNs on my yard, but that will not be all I breed or my mainstay. It is merely 1 tool in my toolbox.

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