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Subject: Re: Mike's Definition of Wilder's Red Satan

Mike Norrod
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Date Posted: 07:23:26 03/07/06 Tue
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Mike's Definition of Wilder's Red Satan" on 21:03:20 03/06/06 Mon

>I just want to say, that I am in full agreement with
>the fact that the breeding of Spike and Maud produced

ROTFLMAO Johnnie boy, every time you post you make yourself look more and more childish.
I'm going to quit responding to you to help you out so I don't feed anymore of your foolishness.
The only reason why I did now is because, you are now trying to play spinmaster again. LOL

You said the wrong dog. It is Red Satan who was off Spike and Maud.
Duster was the pup which was in trade off Ty and Flame.

>This is why I have made the statement that
>Duster is not a Hemphill dog in the same case % of
>Wilder's Red Satan.

LOL LOL LOL At least now you except the fact Red Satan isn't bred as said. BTW why weren't they still Hemphill blood? Maud was straight Hemphill. Or is it that purest crap you can't deal with again?

>This means that you Mike got the
>wrong dog and had to put it down. Wilder's Red Satan
>was not available to you because you were not anywhere
>near first candidate to have that dog.

Put him down? Where do you think this shit up at?
Not the first? He came directly to us off the mother from the breeder.

>I think the term
>was "black balled". You got a red pup that was not a
>litter mate to Wilder's Red Satan so you produced your
>own through the Spike and Maud breeding, which is now
>known as DUSTER.

Black balled? What in the world are you talking about?
Have you eat something that was badly co-sure?
You need to get your nose off the mirror for awhile.
You are not making any sense!

>I rest my case and thanks for letting
>just enough of the truth out so I could make this

No problem. I will post the truth again about Wiler's Red Satan just for you.

>That's why you never were in approval of
>what Hanna or OFBA did with WILDER'S RED SATAN. For
>you it meant a slap in the breeding face of your yard
>and what you hoped people would believe. You have ROSS
>RED DEVIL and that's it.

First off, Red Devil dogs are better performance dogs and you are welcome to find out first hand and in the second place, all I had to do was breed Maud with Duster, Ty or her father Geronimo 2 if I wanted straight Hemphill.
When I saw it didn't produce a high percentage of performance dogs with a cross to Spike, we knew then we were wasting our time.
Remember, Spike was a 4xw and only dog in history to ever be recognized R.O.M. with OFRN blood in him!

If we couldn't get performance dogs off him, we surely wasn't breeding her straight Hemphill blood!

>If anyone look at the pictures of your dogs and what
>you are producing today, it is all RRD not Hemphill.
>You have even gone so far as to say, all OFRN are not
>red? gee, what a creepy thing to say!

OFRN is a strain dominate from a foundation breed, not a color and don't feel creepy little boy, what I said Bob Hemphill yard was 80% black nose.

Mullian's wrote about this in his review.
Truth is, JRB has as much OFRN in his dogs as you do!
But simple minded people like you John don't understand why.
You don't understand the difference between dominate and recessive genes.
Why are JRB dogs still mostly black nose?

Paper breeders like yourself can't understand things like this. The truth is right in front of you and you can't see it.

Now do you want to know why Dan, Steve and the rest of the OFBA got out of dogs?
Because once they realized the truth about their dogs and the low quality of performance percentage, they closed up shop and knew their time had run out for breeding inferior performance dogs!!

There is the truth and the fact everyone under the sun was calling them out for their BS and they hiding from everyone to the point they were referred to as Donald DUCK!

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