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Subject: FTJ

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Date Posted: 08:33:11 02/28/06 Tue

I read your posts and I also have doubts on what is written
down as fact.But then again I had those same doubts although somewhat different when I was young and a hardhead,by the way head is still hard.Learned alot and I doubt that many that read this forum would agree with things that I learned close to forty years ago although some of the info I still have doubts on but its hard not to accept answers from people close to forty and even fifty years ones senior at that time and those that had prove of things talked about.
I cannot claim everything that I was told was true but I have to say this for a fact as this was one thing that was said to be true by the old timers at the time.
Lightner-what was said -he was the man as they would say.They claimed his family resided in the U.S. as early as late 1700's believe it or not as I cannot prove it but these people knew him.
I doubt if anybody will find the whole truth on the breed and everyone will contribute what they do know wether it be the truth or the falsehoods passed along the way.But no matter we all learn something true or false.
But it all boils down to each man or woman that believes in what their doing is the right direction and their way of viewing things.
Its great to respect ones opion but into days world one needs to follow their mind and heart as they feel is the way to go.
Life is to short to know it all and in the case of this breed might very well even with another hundered years in time added to ones life be impossible to ever know the truth on the breed history from day one.
One has got to do his or her own thing and do it now not latter as there is no promise of a tommarrow.
YOur on the right track as its your time and effort nobody elses.

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19:02:04 03/01/06 Wed

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