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Subject: Re: If you could turn back time...

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Date Posted: 13:09:49 03/19/06 Sun
In reply to: Mark Mallard 's message, "If you could turn back time..." on 13:48:31 03/15/06 Wed

>Here’s a hypothetical question…
>Let’s turn back time. Back to the time when Geronimo
>II was still alive.
>If you had access to that dog and were in a position
>to cross him, with the intention of bringing that
>cross back to Geronimo II, in order to continue a
>predominately OFRN yard, what bloodline would you take
>him too?
>We have the advantage of seeing what worked and what
>did not, what would you have done?

Just thinking that if I could turn time back I would also make absolutely certain that the historical value of the now defunct OFRN was carefully preserved.
At the 26 year mark of 1980, many stories were based on "old timers" from the 60's and 70's who played games with actual facts and bloodlines. Because of those who were enjoying such title "old timer" some took advantage of that position in the pit bull world and ran away with crazy ideas and made up fables and myths to further confuse the novice. Maurice Carver is known for not giving the 411 on a lot of breedings and dogs he had and sold. Some are still following that example in the worst way.
If I could turn back time, I think it would be better than how to breed Geronimo 2, with a cross, to just get some hard truth on these dogs and especially the OFRN that are gone today.

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Subject Author Date
Re: If you could turn back time...jrb
18:35:39 03/19/06 Sun

Re: If you could turn back time...Iron Mike
08:44:33 03/20/06 Mon

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