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Date Posted: 19:17:37 09/06/02 Fri
Author: Aeraelin
Subject: [nod]
In reply to: Archer 's message, "Tilts head" on 06:01:37 09/06/02 Fri

[she snapped her fingers, letting the illusion she had thought out clearly just moments before materialize around the log. A drake, looking a tad fuzzy around the edges for an instant, concealed the log. He was naught more than an illusion, and a skillful one at that. His maw opened to what should have been a roar, if he was not mute as illusions generally were. A twist of her fingers brought wind squealing through the buildings, providing the sound of an eerie, shrill cry, that anyone could tell was indeed the wind]
"It is not real, Archer. He may look it, but is nothing more than an illusion. This will replicate a battle more than a plain log would, as you strike somehting that bears resemblance to a future opponent. Yet, deep within, you are still merely striking the log. He has no texture, and is not solid... Your strikes will pass through, and hit the log, but it will offer effect from the illusion-drake."
[she turned her gaze to the illusion, not satisfied. He looked false, but soon the final touches were made and it seemed real. It seemed real, but was not. Testing her illusion, mind familiar with the ways it had to work to maintain and move this illusion properly, she swept her hand up in a ferocious blow, fingers sinking through the illusion. When withdrawn, she watched as she shifted the illusion-drake to glare and scream once again it's mute cry, tail whipping around. The master did little more than smile, feeling the unusual touch of passing through this deception, and stepped back out of the way]
"Now, merely repeat what Tierce taught you on the illusion."

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