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Date Posted: 17:18:14 01/20/08 Sun
Author: ...
Subject: CURE OF NEUROSIS: mere basic emotional health

CURE OF NEUROSIS. false beliefs cause neurosis.
good intent only, goes where the facts go only, would never hurt anyone on purpose, gives a care, feels this way.
regards all conscious beings as equally special to hold dear and be with, as fact only to get. is this way, feels your soul, = high self esteem, which is why you will feelingly feel the fact that Our Father, The Big Conscious Guy, does indeed exist, zero doubts; which is why high self esteem does not feel lonely. Is mere basic emotional health. god exists is only why being emotionally healthy is possible. is why high self esteem is fact; jealousy false.
Everyone learns exactly what they need to know when they learn it, unless they don‘t care is forever. this is why it would have been anyone in your exact circumstance is proven for who does care if he hurt someone, is sorry he did. this is why hold contempt says a guy is bad = psycho can’t learn.
give a care, is true only. Moral truth is not up to you or me; you have to care is there for you is fact to get only, is fair only. Prejudice thought he could have a moral opinion, knew you don't go around hurting people deep down. Moral opinion claims you cannot learn to stop hurting, is oo. Now we know we know to care is there for you is fact only to get, Is our very soul literally. Reject one conscious being rejects the whole. Now we know we know. Ultimatums’ are the only way a hard person (holds contempt, rejected) will hear his self interest. Yet who does self correct, does so because he is sorry, he does care.
Seeks only ones own faults out, is on a self correction quest. won't tolerate self pity within. Ego is excitement, includes lust's in love feeling = needy (feels selfish) is envy: you can only feel excited, in love, with your own self only. This fact is easy to see, to look at your daydreams, experience. Who looks sees, learns lust away instantly, and grows more in love with real love, is how you feel about all people equally, earns your soul actually. Earns “on the spirit line“ earns who your twin soul is only because you are in love with all of humanity equally is just as big; consciousness is one is fact literally. To earn your soul is your short term goal; after all, you merely earn away all angst. Our true long term goal is to earn all there is to know, earns all who exist, literally. seek the facts, and the facts will set you free emotionally.

BASIC ECONOMIC FACT: true living wages can afford extras = businesses are healthier then they have ever been = secure money markets that are booming; because business really is making great profits = a permanently secure government surplus. government deficits are only a problem if people cannot afford to spend. keep interest rates at a steady rate only. raise rates creates inflation. buy local.~~~~
edythe marcellan

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