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Date Posted: 09:37:50 03/18/05 Fri
Author: Lexi
Subject: "Trying to slow me down so that you can keep up?" She grinned, reaching her arm around him so she could pinch his side playfully, squirming away from him as she stuck out her tongue. A grin played completely happily on her lips though, things were finally seeming to work out and shape up for them and it left her feeling light hearted and oh so happy. "My dad could outrun you, you know that?" She ragged on him again, picking up the pace just a touch. There was a place she wanted to stop at up the next hill - a little pond where there were always ducks and little animals to watch and feed...
In reply to: Bailey Alexis 's message, "
You complete me in a way I'd never imagioned possible
It's you and I against the world and together we're unstoppable
on 08:59:50 03/18/05 Fri

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  • "Maybe in his motorized wheelchair..." He scoffed with a snort and rolled his eyes, releasing her and letting her pull ahead a bit as he settled into just following along easily a few paces back - the view was better from there. He was so thankful that they seemed to have achieved some form of normalcy, for then atleast - they had earned it, in his humble opinion. They had been through more than enough, and any break that they got, he appreciated - he could only hope that it would last longer than a couple days, or even a couple weeks, but it was impossible to say... (NT) -- Colin, 09:43:10 03/18/05 Fri

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