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Date Posted: 10:43:00 03/18/05 Fri
Author: Lexi
Subject: She rolled her eyes lightly, finishing off tossing the corn before she stood, pushing lightly at his chest. "Your a grumpy old man." She stated before she shifted to stretch out her legs and back. After a few seconds of that she took off at a jog again without a word - content to set the pace at a slightly slower rate this time. It was such a nice day out she wasn't really looking forward to going back to the apartment so she may as well take her time...
In reply to: Bailey Alexis 's message, "
You complete me in a way I'd never imagioned possible
It's you and I against the world and together we're unstoppable
on 08:59:50 03/18/05 Fri

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  • He shoved her gently, playfully back and then watched as she headed off again, shaking his head at her unconventional ways. He took a few long moments to warm back up again and stretch out a bit before heading off after her - rushing the pace a fraction for the first little while until he caught up to her and the just settled down at her side. He too was enjoying the day and the weather, and was just in one of his subdued and laid-back, fairly easy-going moods. For someone who could be so high-strung at times, he knew to appreciate the relaxation when he could... (NT) -- Colin, 19:56:14 03/18/05 Fri

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