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Date Posted: 07:35:42 08/20/06 Sun
Author: Niko
Subject: (He let out a soft sigh as he slipped out the front door and took in a breath of fresh air.. it was so nice to get outside when you'd been couped up all day, even if that couping was self-imposed. Now that he was hearing the voice of his girlfriend, he missed her desperately.. she and the kids had left early that morning and he had kept himself busy with work since then.) Yes, I am leaving now, right this instance in fact. (He murmured, locking the door with his keys and then heading down to his truck. He groaned when he realized that Harley had slipped out with him. Conveniently, Skye had said she needed to tend to Ayden anyway.) Alright sweetie, I have to corral the dog anyways. (He said with a soft laugh, hanging up and going to chase the oversized puppy down and dragging him into the house. Five minutes later he had the house locked up and was on the road.)
In reply to: Skye/Mystery Man 's message, "
Don't get mad
Don't be mean
on 06:18:02 08/20/06 Sun

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  • She grinned lightly as Ayden started babbling on about something, some understandable words thrown in there amongst the jibberish - enough so that she understood he was talking about 'his' dogs. "Daddy is leaving the puppies at home Ayden, they need to take naps!" She exclaimed with a grin before she looked up, her brow furrowed a little as a strange prickling sensation built at the back of her neck. She had been a honed and perfected weapon in the military not to long ago. She hadn't spent so much time being pampered and impregnated by Niko that she lost all of the skills she acquired and she felt like someone was watching them. Her head lifted to look around, her eyes scanning the area around them. She didn't see anything unusual but it didn't settle her unease, though she figured she was just being paranoid. None the less, she wasn't one to ignore instinct so she called out to Sam to come play by her until Niko arrived. (NT) -- Skye, 07:50:39 08/20/06 Sun

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