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Date Posted: 11:45:02 03/04/07 Sun
Author: Sav/Chelle
Subject: I didn't wanna do it
In reply to: Lucian & Whitney 's message, "A holiday from real" on 11:24:50 03/04/07 Sun

She rolled her eyes a little and then squeaked - literally squeaked - when he tugged her close to his dirty chest. "Lucian!" She scolded with a huff. "I was kind of clean!" She frowned at him but then ruined her scolding manner by reaching up on tip toes to brush her lips across his, her hand lifting to brush a bit of dirt from beneath his beautifully prominant cheekbones. She shifted into his arms, cuddling against his chest for a moment before she huffed again, this time at Whitney. "Hey. We were having loads of fun." She stated, raising a brow. "I mean, I could push you into the mud later if you wanted, we could wrestle." She nodded, a grin crossing her lips as she laughed softly. For a second, a dark look crossed his face, right after the girl laughed softly. The sound had been so pretty it made him want to make her laugh again and again, it made him want to say something to make her smile, to make her like him, to bring her attention his way. He had been about to open his mouth too when his eyes went to Luke and Chelle. Hadn't he just been lecturing Luke about being with a girl not in the family? The thought of the recent announcement of his union with the Santino family was really what made the dark look cross his features and for just a split second, he looked like the haunted, weighed down young man he was instead of the boy he pretended to be. Shaking his head, he forced those thoughts away and focused his attention on the girl - the easy going, flirtacious smile slipping into place - and finally cleared his throat and spoke. "Wrestle? We could probably sell tickets, maybe." He shrugged, smiling innocently at Chelle before he glanced once more at the new girl and then set his jaw, looking over towards the picnic tables. She noticed just for a second that Sav didn't seem happy but his expression changed so quick she kinda thought she must be imagioning it. "Come on, let's go eat and see what's going on next, dirty boy." She grinned, her hand wrapping around Luke's wrist - the cleanest part of him - and tugged him that way before she continued speaking. "Luke, I think they are going to start the tree planting soon....you should help me, you can carry them and I can plant them, yeah? Sav, you can do the same for Whitney cuz that's where we were supposed to go next I am pretty sure..." She smiled, happy to think that maybe Sav and Whitney could become friends and then they could all hang out.

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