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Date Posted: 13:00:42 03/04/07 Sun
Author: Luke
Subject: A holiday from real
In reply to: Savatore/Rachelle 's message, "
This is that day cause I can feel it
You know the type of day you ain't lettin' bad vibes invade your spirit
As the birds chirp your favorite tune
on 09:56:10 03/04/07 Sun

"Perfect. We will smuggle you in even if my parents are home... My dad's getting home today I think." The last he had heard, his dad was coming home that day but sometimes those plans changed for any number of reasons. Sitting adjacent to her, he reached out to tug her legs so they were resting across his lap as he ate - glad that he had loaded his plate up with a ridiculous amount of food because it seemed to be disappearing pretty quickly. He smirked a little about the scuffle news - a couple people had thought at first that they were for real, but most everyone knew who they were and that they had been best friends for forever, so it had been decided that even if they were in a real little fight of sorts it was the sort of thing they would sort out themselves. "We did get some work done though... And at least no one asked us to leave. I almost expected it might happen." He nodded a little in response to her suggestions about his jeans - they were ruined for wearing out for sure, and he wasn't sure if he would be doing this sort of thing again, but one day he might need bumming around in jeans again. "Sure... So what's the deal with Whitney? I haven't seen her around. She's cute. Did you see Savatore's face?"

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