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Date Posted: 14:28:22 08/12/02 Mon
Maxximus, I know how it is to be alone. When our mother died as a result of our father beating her, Diamond and I were seperated. We had to hide from our father. And no matter what we did, we could not be together, or else he would find us and kill us both. No, we wanted each other to live, so we went our seperate ways until we were reunited again here at Diablo Isle. I was alone that entire time, from being a young dragoness of 30 years of age, to being a full-blown adult, and you don't need to know my age now.
~She manages a weak smile.~
But as you can see, I made it through, shining with bright colors. And Diamond did too. You need to be strong now, Maxximus. And you cannot convince yourself that you have nobody, because we are still family. Just because I do not love you as a wife does not mean I cannot love you as a sister-in-law. You cannot fool yourself into thinking that the only way to be happy is to have a mate and hatchlings. You will always find friends and family here. But right now, you need to get out there and find yourself a mate if you really want one, and have some hatchlings. But I will not be your quick-fix mate. If you do not find a mate right away, you could adopt. Your life is in your hands, Maxximus, and it is what you make of it. I hope you understand my reasoning, because it really does make sense. And it would not make sense for us to be together.
~She looks at him, then into the night sky. She was tired of reasoning, and she hoped now that he would understand fully what it is like to live. Loneliness helped her be who she is today, and it will help him understand life, and help him to get a little bit more open minded.~
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