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Subject: Re: Lone and Level Sands

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Date Posted: 6/11/02 8:11am
In reply to: Cherubino 's message, "Re: Lone and Level Sands" on 2/11/02 9:23pm

I hate to ruin this since I have been waiting for this episode for some time, but I really didn't seem to like it as much as you guys. I mean yeah the visuals at the begining (the Bellerephone is a beautiful ship) are amazing and the set design was cool. Also liked how they got into the inherent time dialation of relativistic speeds, something most other sci-fi shows won't touch because it messes up the plausability of "warp speed". I think it also gave some good character developement time to Harper and Rommie the later seems to be becoming more and more disillusioned with Dylan. The Harper help files scene was also very humerous I though
However, I found the show just off somehow I can't really explain it. I think the fight scene with the Ogami at the begining was a bit long for one though and the Ogami just looked to different from the last time we saw them. The sheilds and stuff really turned me off on this, I mean mellee weapons are still a staple of most sci-fi and the hand axes and stuff were totaly believable but the armor and shields were just out of place. They also seemed to run at the crews with reckless abandon, if they are from a mercenary culture shouldn't they be better trained and have better fighting skills? Metis came off to me as a bit to emotional and erratic and he really didn't seem to have any chemistry with the other actors save for maybe Dylan, the kissing scenes in particular seemed forced. Anyways just my thoughts and this was a good episode, but I still believe "Cui Bono?" was the best episode so far this season.


"So were paranoid, so shoot us. We needed a Plan B you always have a Plan B." - Harper
"Yes, but my Plan B's work" - Dylan

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Re: Lone and Level Sandscwcandromeda 8/11/02 3:33pm

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