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Subject: Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?

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Date Posted: 12/11/02 8:29pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?" on 10/11/02 9:03pm

>Everyone has begun to complain about how little
>certain characters are being used. Last season if a
>crew member wasn't present, they complained -
>especially if it wasn't explained. How can the
>writer's win?! They can't and I feel so bad for them,
>especially Matt and Joe who are taking a major beating
>this year.

I noticed that too. Of course, Zack/Ash can do no wrong. If something isn't right in their episodes it must be because of something Kevin said to do. It's a shame they won't go into each episode looking for the good in the episode instead of looking for anything they can to complain about.

>>I thought the slipfighter stuff went on too long but
>>my husband--one of those creatures with a Y
>>chromosome--loved it.
>Maybe it's the ex-military in me, or the cool FX, but
>I loved the slipfighter scenes as well [except when I
>had to screen cap them. I was literally sick to my
>stomach trying to cap watching those parts 4" from my
>face LOL]

Well, I'm not military, but I enjoyed those scenes too. I really liked the cool FX. I guess watching them that much that close would be worse than being on a roller coaster!:)

>I can only hope people will watch, and think before
>jumping in with half-thought out judgments. I watch
>each episode no less than 7 times, some as many as 30.
>Yes I'm that much a fan.
>I'm just glad I'm not alone, because I sure feel like
>it some days [actually most days].

No Mai, you are not alone. I watch most episodes about 7 times, some more (when I have the time) and I don't have the excuse of doing screen caps. I just enjoy the show and everyone on it. What I like about your forum is that it's not a forum where everyone is in love with Kevin, but they don't hate him either. It's alright to love all the actors and their characters. I had hoped Eclipse's forum was going to be that way, but it seems Eclipse's previews, your website updates and me welcoming anyone new are about all that gets posted there. Thank you for having this wonderful place. (Now I'm off to see those screen caps).


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Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?Maigrey13/11/02 8:07am

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