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Subject: Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?

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Date Posted: 10/11/02 9:03pm
In reply to: Amorette 's message, "Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?" on 10/11/02 8:08pm

>(I LOVED Harper's reaction to the Ministers. Heheheh.
> But then, I have a sense of humor and the Slip
>requires anyone with one of these to leave immediately
>if not sooner.)

I laughed at that as well, it's just SO Harper to be drooling over women he can't have. And his parting shot to Dylan "Well at least the slipdrive still works" - was a riot!

Everyone has begun to complain about how little certain characters are being used. Last season if a crew member wasn't present, they complained - especially if it wasn't explained. How can the writer's win?! They can't and I feel so bad for them, especially Matt and Joe who are taking a major beating this year.

>They hate Dylan. They hate Kevin Sorbo.

Moreso they hate Kevin Sorbo as Dylan and Executive Producer at the same time, even though he's but one voice of 5, not to mention the writers, directors and other cast...

>Another point I bet they missed was that the enemy
>REALLY WAS MAKING NOVA BOMBS. This wasn't "we think
>maybe the enemy is doing something rotten" it was WE
>KNEW THE ENEMY was up to no good. Plus, we saw, very
>clearly, that destroying the factory did nothing for
>the people. I.E. military action ISN'T going to solve

And yes, while Dylan does have Nova Bombs, he's always been extremely reluctant to use them - look at "Under The Night" He could have easily stopped the Nietzschean uprising. And he stopped the kids at the Station, horrified by their casual use of the Nova Bombs. He even looked extremely guilty at the end of the episode when they discussed "No one should have such power"

>I thought the slipfighter stuff went on too long but
>my husband--one of those creatures with a Y
>chromosome--loved it.

Maybe it's the ex-military in me, or the cool FX, but I loved the slipfighter scenes as well [except when I had to screen cap them. I was literally sick to my stomach trying to cap watching those parts 4" from my face LOL]

>I liked the messages--yeah, Trance is definitely some
>sort of embodiment of a star--and the music and the
>humor and the sorrow and those leather slipfighter
>uniforms. Woof!

I was particularly impressed with Trance's hair this ep! I don't know why, but it looked so gorgeous pulled back that way. I wish my hair was that long again so I could attempt something like that LOL Okay yes I'm strange, and the Slipfighter uniforms *were* extremely cool!

I think some people missed the fact that they 'didn't' bomb the Children's Hospital - it was a decoy. Trance was able to find the right building because it made her so ill to get close to.

I can only hope people will watch, and think before jumping in with half-thought out judgments. I watch each episode no less than 7 times, some as many as 30. Yes I'm that much a fan.

I'm just glad I'm not alone, because I sure feel like it some days [actually most days].


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Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?Hygea12/11/02 8:29pm

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