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Thursday, 02 January, 09:16:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: Re: Let's Cheer 'em up

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Date Posted: 29/11/02 8:09pm
In reply to: Amorette 's message, "Re: Let's Cheer 'em up" on 28/11/02 9:01pm

I've e-mailed Seth on occasion and he is always responsive. I got his e-mail when he contacted me once. It was a while back and he was getting hit pretty hard in a thread at SS. I was trying to support him and he e-mailed me to thank me. I thought that was really nice. We had a great conversation that night, just silly joking around stuff. He seems to be a very nice person.

Since then I have e-mailed periodically and he always responds. He has taken the time to answer questions and I have made sure I don't post anything he tells me in e-mails on any board. I figure if he wants everyone to know he will post the information. But it has been nice to have questions answered.

I remember asking him if the comments on SS have any real impact on the show. He said the only people the comments impact are those who are with the show that go there, like him, Zack, Ash and sometimes Karen. He said the show is doing fine and they have no major concerns about it at this point.

Anyway, I'm sure he would love to hear positive feedback. He is also good about answering the occasional question an ep may bring up that doesn't get answered or I wasn't sure about.

So, yeah, I would encourage anyone to let him know how you feel. I'm still enjoying the show.


> Since this is a small board and
>>for the most part positive, I'll give you his email
>>address if you're interested in sending him a card for
>>your T-Day SxHoward@tribune.com
>THANK YOU! I plan to send him some POSITIVE thoughts!
>>Sick as a dog today - thinking food poisoning from a
>>birthday Dinner for my youngest's 13th Birthday last
>>Anyway - hope that helps :) Happy Turkey Day 'y'all'
>Ooo. Sorry about the food poisoning. Had salmonella
>once myself. Got it from a very expensive, upscale
>restaurant. NOT a pleasant experience.
>Hope you're feeling better. My family had its usual
>Thanksgiving (USA) dinner and I'm still bloated. My
>husband and I have terrible colds so we came home
>early. He is parked in front of the tv sniffling and
>coughing and I'm on the computer, sniffling and
>coughing. Wouldn't be the holiday season if someone
>weren't sick.
>Hope you feel better. Hey, if you're eating, at least
>your teeth are better!

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