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Subject: Re: Any interest in a mildly philosophical discussion?

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Date Posted: 4/01/03 6:07pm
In reply to: Rayhana 's message, "Re: Any interest in a mildly philosophical discussion?" on 2/01/03 3:03pm

>I don't consider them slaves anymore than I would
>consider a career military person a slave. Someone in
>the military is told where to live, how to dress, how
>to act, is given orders to follow, etc. They could be
>considered a slave of the government. Now, the
>difference is that this person has made a choice, in
>most cases, to be a part of the military where the AI
>had no choice. But yet, we have no choice to be born
>or not, that choice is made for us. So, are we slaves
>to our parents?

No, but the birth is not the point. It's about having a freedom of choice. When we reach adulthood, we can choose our path in life. Since A.I.s are already born adult, they don't have any choice as we do. Besides, if your parents had decided that you should be a soldier when you grow up and nothing else, and had in fact semi-brainwashed (programmed) you, so that you yourself would only want to be a soldier, do you think that would have been right?

>I think AI's are created with a specific purpose.
>Now, should they choose to no longer fullfill their
>purpose, many things can happen. But to me this is
>not different than a top level military person
>choosing to no longer fullfill their purpose. The AI
>can be erased, the military person killed.


>The AI can
>be re-programmed, the military person put in prison.

Those two things are not equivalent. Re-programming is equivalent to brainwashing, with a slim chance of recovery.
It means a complete restructuring of your personality. It means killing you, because once re-programmed it isn't you anymore, it's someone completely different.

>The AI can be allowed to leave after critical info is
>deleted from their memory so they are no longer a
>threat. The military person can be given drugs to
>eliminate certain memories and allowed to move on.

Drugs? Ethically questionable, I would think ...

>I see what you are saying, but I'm not sure I would go
>so far as to say they are slaves. With regard to
>Andromeda, Rommie has choices. Now, I don't know if
>the CW gives all their AI's the choices Dylan gives
>But, all in all, I don't feel the AI's are any more a
>slave than the Captain they serve under.

But if a Captain quits the military service, then no one would erase his more confidential memories and no one would 'transplant' him (his personality) from an athletic, healthy and exceptionally capable body, into an overweight, sick, half-blind, half-deaf body. It would be a drastic change. For example, before the transfer, the Captain was able to run 6 miles without getting out of breath, had perfect sight and hearing, and was healthy as a horse. After the transfer, he would get out of breath after running 300 yards, would need (strong) glasses to see, his hearing would be less perfect and he would have allergies, high blood pressure and an ulcer. Hardly a satisfying option.

Besides, if they have the option of leaving sometime later in their life, why don't the creators give them this choice at the very beginning? They could give the AIs a period of adjustment and experience after their creation, and then let them choose their purpose on their own?

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Re: Any interest in a mildly philosophical discussion?Rayhana 4/01/03 7:15pm

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